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Effects of Early Clinical Exposure Courses on the Professionalism and Basic Medicine Learning Outcomes of Medical Students
作者 唐功培陳資濤蔡博方
本研究旨在探討某醫學大學提供之「初階臨床體驗課程」,對於醫學生專業素養及基礎醫學學習成效之影響。本研究第一階段採質性研究,分析104學年度100位醫學生參與「初階臨床體驗課程」繳交的374篇「習醫之道」生活札記,探討臨床體驗課程對醫學生產生的影響。第二階段採量化分析,探討105學年度108位二年級醫學生的學習動機、初階臨床體驗課程經驗與基礎醫學成績之間的關聯。綜合研究發現:一、「初階臨床體驗課程」採師徒制的學堂導師們,其正向典範對醫學生提升醫學知能、醫師專業素養及學習態度有正面影響;二、參與初階臨床體驗時數、考試焦慮、參與的學堂別等因素,皆顯著影響基礎醫學學科成績,且以學堂別最為明顯,顯示初階臨床體驗的效果,可能因不同學堂環境而有差異。未來值得進一步探究學堂組織文化與帶領體驗的導師風格之影響。本研究結果可提供規劃醫學人文課程參考。 This study investigated the effects of an “Early Clinical Exposure Course” provided by a medical university on the professionalism and basic-medicine learning outcomes of medical students. In the first phase of this study, a qualitative method was employed to analyze 374 notes on “On Doctoring,” which was submitted by 100 medical students who participated in the “Early Clinical Exposure Course,” to investigate the effects of the course on students. A quantitative analysis was conducted in the second phase, during which the correlation between the learning motivation, experience of the Early Clinical Exposure Course, and basic-medicine exam results of the 108 second-year medical students enrolled during the 2016- 2017 academic year was examined. The results revealed the following findings: (1) The tutors who adopted a mentoring system in the “Early Clinical Exposure Course” helped improve the medical knowledge, physician professionalism, and learning attitude of students. (2) Factors such as the duration of participation in the Early Clinical Exposure Course, examination anxiety, and the type of the class attended significantly influenced the academic performance of basic medicine learning outcomes, with the type of the class attended being the most significant factor. This indicated that the effect of early clinical exposure may vary according to the classroom environment. The influence of classroom organizational culture and the mentoring style of tutors should be further investigated. The results of this study can serve as a reference for planning medical humanities courses.
起訖頁 39-77
關鍵詞 初階臨床體驗師徒制基礎醫學習醫之道學習動機early clinical exposurementorshipbasic medicineon doctoringlearning motivation
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201809 (1:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 以翻轉教學設計提升五專護理科解剖生理學課程之學習成效
該期刊-下一篇 系統體驗教學模式:學校輔導與心理諮商人才培育的教學歷程與成果




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