中文摘要 |
績效管理伴隨著新公共管理的浪潮由歐美國家向其他國家擴散,基於其作為各國政府推動政府再造的重要工具,吾人實有必要就其如何在公部門運作進行完整性探討。本研究首先將探討績效管理及績效待遇的意義,以建立正確的績效管理概念,並說明我國政府推動績效管理制度的做法,嗣參酌美國公共行政學會課責與績效中心(ASPA Center for Accountability & Performance, CAP)所建構的公部門績效管理流程架構,從策略規劃、績效衡量及績效回饋等三階段,透過與臺北市立聯合醫院管理者、醫療單位主管及護理人員之訪談梳理出該院推動獎勵金制度所遭遇問題;最後則試提出解決方案,作為政府機關推動績效管理制度之參考。
With the trend of the new public management spreads from the United States and Europe to other countries, Performance Management becomes an important tool in promoting government stragies and it is necessary to investigate how does it operate in public sector. This article first discusses the significance of performance management and performance benefits in order to establish the correct concept of performance management. According three stages process constructed by the American Society for Public Administration Division accountability and performance center (ASPA Center for Accountability & Performance, CAP), strategic planning, performance measurement and performance feedback, and through the the interview with Taipei City Hospital managers, medical and nursing staff, this article not only finds the problem that the hospital encountered in promoting the incentive system, but also proposed solutions for government to promote Performance Management System. |