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On the 'Yin Shi San Wen' of Lin Wen-yue and Cai Zhu'er: and the Change of Form and Style in Contemporary Taiwan Prose
作者 何寄澎
自九○年代以降,「飲食散文」已成為臺灣當代散文中重要之一脈。本文鎖定林文月《飲膳札記》、蔡珠兒《紅燜廚娘》二本作品加以探討,除顯示當代臺灣飲食散文風格各異的二種面貌,亦企圖兼述當代臺灣散文體式與格調的轉變。林氏《飲膳札記》一書,精細嚴明,敘述性格濃厚,語言素朴,主題懷舊,亦不時流露林氏個人之涵養、風度、個性;蔡氏《紅燜廚娘》則節奏快板變化,文字華彩繽紛,重視讀者的官能享受。相較之下,《飲》書為抒情的飲食美學,《紅》書為感官的飲食美學。文末則承《飲》書、《紅》書二者的特質概述,推而略及臺灣當代散文書寫風尚之轉變,藉供散文史研究之參考。 Since the 90's, 'Yin Shi San Wen'('prose on food and drink') has become an important genre in contemporary Taiwan prose. This paper will focus on Lin Wenyue's 'Yin Shan Zha Ji' ('Notes about Food and Drink') and Cai Zhu'er's Hong Men Chu Niang ('Stewing Cook'), not only shows the two types of prose in contemporary Taiwan Yin Shi San Wen, but also tries to research on the change of form and style in contemporary Taiwan prose. Lin's 'Yin Shan Zha Ji' is fine, well structured, with clear narrative voice and simple language; it's theme is remindful, often express Lin's personality. On the other hand, Cai's Hong Men Chu Niang is written in some fast rhythm, changeable, and with gorgeous language, make much of readers' sensation. In comparison, the aesthetics of 'Yin Shan Zha Ji' is sentimental, and of 'Hong Men Chu Niang' is sense. On the base of it, this paper makes some conclusions regarding the changes in contemporary Taiwan prose, and may do some devotion for further research on prose history.
起訖頁 191-206
關鍵詞 林文月蔡珠兒飲食文化飲食散文散文體式Lin WenyueCai Zhu'erprose on food and drinkaesthetics of food and drinkstyle of proseform of prose
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 200602 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 鄉野傳奇與道德理想主義--黃春明與張煒的鄉土小說比較研究




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