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Local Legends and Moral Idealism: A Comparative Study on Chun-ming Hwang's and Wei Chang's Nativist Novels
作者 陳建忠 (Jian-Zhong Chen)
現代性與鄉土世界(文化)的遭遇,在兩岸都成為作家們關注的焦點,文中認為,黃春明與張煒都以理想的鄉土空間想像寄寓其理想,其中黃春明以鄉土倫理學,張煒以鄉土神學作為思想基底,在強大的現代性文明壓境下,他們原先無比真實的鄉土經驗,反成為無比遙遠卻又無比重要的精神資源,具備「救贖」的象徵性意涵。而他們自鄉土經驗轉化出來的鄉土精神資源,無非是帶有理想主義性格的「人性」與「道德」,這可以由傳奇化的鄉土經驗描寫,來顯示兩位小說家對於想像鄉土時的美學與思想特徵。 The impact of modernity and the local world (culture) has been a focus of concerns among writers from the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Our point is that both Hwang Chun-ming and Chang Wei construct an ideal native space in their works. For the former, it is out of a kind of 'Native ethics' and for the later, it comes from a kind of 'Native theology.' Confronting the monstrous force of modem civilization, their primary and actual experiences of the native lands become their distant but significant spiritual resources. Therefore, they both imply and employ a meaning of 'redemption.' Moreover these spiritual resources are nothing other than idealistic 'human nature' and 'morality.' Through describing the legendary local experiences, these two novelists reveal their aesthetics and thinking characteristics of local imaginary.
起訖頁 161-189
關鍵詞 現代性鄉土文學理想主義傳奇烏托邦ModernityNativist LiteratureIdealismLegendsUtopia
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 200602 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 張愛玲小說與紅樓夢
該期刊-下一篇 試論林文月、蔡珠兒的「飲食散文」--兼述臺灣當代散文體式與格調的轉變




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