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Analysis of the research of Zhouyi background, during Jiaqing and Daoguang in Qing Dynasty–Concurrently discussing the impact of 'collation and compilation of lost texts' on development of Zhouyi
作者 陳詠琳 (Yong-Lin Chen)
嘉慶、道光兩朝各自為現今經學史研究的分界,嘉慶朝通常被歸入「乾、嘉時期」;道光朝則被納入「道、咸以後的晚清」。因此,很少有研究者會把嘉慶、道光五十五年視為一個整體來關照這個時間區塊中的經學發展,此問題也同樣出現在《易》學史的研究。清朝的漢《易》研究盛況在此時期達到頂峰,又因種種緣由而漸趨衰弱,與宋《易》走向相容、調和的階段,為清代《易》學風氣轉換的重要時期,應有不少值得探討的空間,卻一直未被學界所重,實在有些可惜。本文從宮廷《易》著中輟的原因與影響寫起,再用漢《易》風氣的走勢做為論述主軸,藉以描繪這五十五年的《易》學背景,最後補敘當時《易》學「輯佚」的普遍與「輯佚」對《易》學發展的輔助。但願拙文能達到拋磚引玉的效果,喚起學界對嘉慶、道光兩朝《易》學史的重視。 Jiaqing and Daoguang periods are respectively the demarcation point for the contemporary research of the history of the study of Confucian classics. Jiaqing period is included into “the Qianlong-Jiaqing phase” and Daoguang period belongs to “the late Qing Dynasty after Daoguang and Xianfeng years”. As a result, few researchers would regard the fifty-five years of Jiaqing and Daoguang periods as a whole and be concerned with the development of the study of Confucian Classics in this time block. Also, this problem appears in the research of the history of the study of Book of Zhouyi. The research of the Zhouyi learning in Han Dynasty peaked in this phase of Qing Dynasty, and then ebbed gradually due to various reasons as well as became compatible and blended with the Zhouyi learning in Sung Dynasty. That is an important phase that the Zhouyi learning in Qing Dynasty changes. However, it is a pity that the phase has always not been valued by the academia. To describe the background of the Zhouyi learning in the fifty-five years, this article starts from the reasons and influences of the termination of the books compiled by the then dynasty government for interpreting Zhouyi and applies the Zhouyi learning in Hang Dynasty as the major axis of the discussion. Finally, the complements describe the generality of the collation and compilation of the lost texts of the Zhouyi learning of then and the assistance of the collation and compilation of the lost texts in the development of the Zhouyi learning. It is expected that this article, as an attractor, would recall the academia to value the history of the Zhouyi learning in Jiaqing and Daoguang periods.
起訖頁 187-216
關鍵詞 《易》學史宮廷《易》著漢代《易》學輯佚The research history on Book of ZhouyiBooks compiled by the Government for interpreting ZhouyiZhouyi learning in the Han DynastyCollation and compilation of lost texts
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 201107 (7期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王符《潛夫論》版本流傳考
該期刊-下一篇 從「桃花源」的意象塑造論〈桃花源記〉與《暗戀桃花源》呈現的思想特質




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