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Introduction to the Chinese Story of A Nail's Killing
作者 張慧蘭
所謂「勘釘」,即指偵辦以鐵釘殺人的案件。中國自先秦以來,便有因聽婦人哭聲不哀而知其殺夫的記載,六朝以後,又據此演變出偵辦婦人以「鐵釘貫頂」方式殺夫的公案故事。至宋朝時,發展為以一件釘殺案再意外查出另一樁釘殺案的「雙釘」故事。元朝時,名臣姚天福確實審理過一樁雙釘案,見諸碑文及史冊中。經過歷朝的渲染及累積,明清以降的公案小說與戲曲多有改編此故事者。往後也由原本的殺夫案件,另外改編出嫂嫂因貪圖小叔財寶而謀財害命的故事《釣金龜》。至於審案者,則多附會於史書所載著名公正官員身上,如包拯、狄仁傑等。本文寫作動機,在於彌補前人研究不足,對歷代「勘釘」故事亮文學類型及時代順序分別列出,並試將其中情節做一整理。 From Qin Dynasty, China's history had record a law case which is about husband has known killed by his wife because she didn't cry as she should. After Six Dynasties, it has become a story of wife murder husband by using iron nail through his head. In Song Dynasty, the story called “Two nails” which is about one who was murdered by an iron nail and find another iron-nail-killer case by accident. In fact, according to the inscription on tablets and history books, Yao Tianfu (姚天福)has judged one “Two nails” case on Yuan Dynasty.Form Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty on, this story has been rewrite as drama, opera and other kinds of fiction which has been added more and more details. As time goes by, it has been also renamed “Diao Jin Guei (釣金龜)”, which is about a woman killed her brother-in-law for his property, is different from the original version. The judge in story often replace by the famous official such as Bao Zheng(包拯)、Di Renjie(狄仁傑). The motivation of this paper is to complement previous research and make lists of those ” Nail's Killing” novels according to types of literature and dynasty respective also try to arrange index clearly.
起訖頁 223-250
關鍵詞 勘釘公案小說包公故事《雙釘記》《釣金龜》the story of a nail's killingDetective Storiesthe story of Bao GongShuang Ding Ji (a name of Chinese Opera)Diao Jin Guei (a name of Chinese Opera)
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200806 (4期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 許渾才性論




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