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White Hair and Beard due to Long-term and Arduous Exile-The Mental State of Huang Tingjian after Exile to Qian and Rong Prefectures
作者 黃啟方
本文撰述之目的,在探析黃庭堅面對貶謫命運、經行貶謫艱辛、順應貶謫生活、遇赦惟求平淡之心境轉折,透過其間因相關自然情境、地理風光、歷史人物而產生之詩、詞、銘、賦、行記、書信等文字,既以見其貶出朝廷、遠離故鄉之悲懷,亦可窺其任運自安、逆境順處之襟抱。全文分七段:1.前言:總敘黃庭堅自及第至遭貶之仕歷。2.禍起修史:因修神宗實錄被構陷入罪而遭貶之經過。3.陳留待命之心境:在陳留待命六十天,隨時候傳聽審,以「當處出生」、「隨意滅盡」、「風花時度窗櫺」自解。4.遠竄黔南:自汴京至黔南,陸路水程共行一百三天,沿途隨遇抒懷,有詩、詞、書信、行記之作,具見情懷。5.摩圍山下寄身的黔州三年:有〈黔南十絕〉,頗可見當時心境。6.死灰槁木惟任運的戎州歲月:為避嫌移戎州,有〈贈嗣直弟頌十首〉、〈任運堂銘〉、〈苦筍賦〉等寄情之作。7.結語:遇赦起復回江南,雖一年之內四遷官職,卻只有「夢作白鷗去,江南水如天」之嚮往。 This paper aims to discuss and analyze the transformation of the mental state of Huang Tingjian, from facing the fate being exiled, going through difficulties, adjusting himself to exile life, to returning home for a peaceful life under amnesty. The literary works created during this period influenced by relevant natural environments, geographic sceneries, and historical figures including shi, ci, ming, fu, travel notes and letters, express his sorrow of being exiled from the imperial court and leaving his native place. Nevertheless, they also show his grand style in reconciling himself to difficult situations and making the best of adversity. This paper is organized into seven sections: 1. Introduction: a summary of Huang Tingjian's official career: from passing the Imperial Examination to being exiled. 2. The beginning of disasters: due to Huang's revising of the Veritable Records of Emperor Shenzong's Reign, he was falsely incriminated and finally exiled. 3. The mental state of Huang while waiting in Chenliu: Huang Tingjian stayed in Chenliu for sixty days, waiting to be summoned. During that time he wrote lines such as “in a state of feeling the beginning of life”, “to cease as the natural way goes”, “wind and flowers sometimes are blown in through the window” for self entertainment. 4. His exile to southern Qian: Huang Tingjian spent one hundred and three days traveling by land and water from the capital Bianjing to southern Qian. Along the way he wrote literary works of shi, ci, letters and travel notes to reflect his sentiments. 5. He stayed at the foot of the Mowei Mountain in Qian Prefecture for three years and composed “ten quatrains in southern Qian”. These poems show his state of mind at that time. 6. He felt complete hopelessness and yielded to his fate when he was staying in Rong Prefecture: he moved to Rong Prefecture to avoid gossip that may bring aspersion, and wrote several poems to express his feeling, including “Ten Poems to Younger Brother Sizhi”, “The Inscription of Following Fate Terrace', and “The Poem of Bitter Bamboos”. 7. Conclusion: Amnesty allowed his return to the south of the Yangzi River. Although Huang Tingjian had changed four official posts within a year, still he pursued only a state of mind as follows: “In my dream, a white gull flying away; South of the Yangzi River, water blue as sky.”
起訖頁 37-56
關鍵詞 山谷黔南江南Huang Shangusouthern QianSouth of the Yangzi River
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200806 (4期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸近五○年(一九四九~二○○○)「《文心雕龍》學」研究概觀──以戚良德著的《文心雕龍學分類索引》為依據
該期刊-下一篇 惠棟《古文尚書考》三組辨偽舉證效力擇釋




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