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Review of Researches on Wen Xin Diao Lung Studies during the Past 50 Years (1949-2000) in Mainland China —Based on Classified Index of Wen Xin Diao Lung Studies by Qi Liangde
作者 王更生
自十九世紀中葉,李詳、黃侃、劉永濟、章太炎、劉師培等,上承黃叔琳《文心雕龍輯注》的餘波,去蕪存菁,各呈異采,接著是南開大學范文瀾捃摭英華,大其規模,成《文心雕龍注》。他們都為近現代的「《文心雕龍》學」,奠定了根深蒂固,發榮滋長的基礎。迨一九四九年,中共建政後,歷經改革開放的激盪,與有心人士對西方文學理論、學說、樣式、派別、方法的大量引進;茲不但豐富了中國古代文學理論的園地,同時也掀起了研究劉勰及其《文心雕龍》的狂熱。根據戚良德編著的《文心雕龍學分類索引》中的記載,特別是在近五○年(一九四九~二○○○),其「單篇論文」之富,「專門著作」之多,參與「學者」之眾,研究「風氣」之普及,盛況之空前,可謂一千五百多年來,中國「龍學」研究史上所僅見!這種現象的發生,絕對不是學術上的奇蹟。而是其來也有自。所以本文的寫作,就旨在掘發其蓬勃繁榮的原因和真象,並藉此所得,提供同道先進作為新世紀繼往開來的參考。 Since the middle of 19th century, Xiang Li, Kan Huang, Yongji Liu, Taiyan Zhang, Shipei Liu and other experts have carried on the work done by Shulin Huang. They refined the work and presented their specialties. Afterwards, Wenlan Fan has selected the essence of the work, increasing the scale of the book and wrote Wen Xin Diao Lung annotation. All of these writers contributed to the profound foundation for the further development of modern researches on Wen Xin Diao Lung studies. By 1949, after China established its regime, the society has been through dramatic changes resulted from the reform and open-up policy. Enthusiasts have introduced a large number of theories, doctrines, styles, schools, and methods about western literature into the country, enriching ancient Chinese literature theories and aroused a passion about researches on Xie Liu and his Wen Xin Diao Lung. According to “Classified Index of Wen Xin Diao Lung Studies” by Liangde Qi, the abundance of “single essays”, the large quantity of “specialized works”, the numerous number of participating “scholars”, and the “popularity” of the research in Wen Xin Diao Lung have reached an exceptional level that never happened before and this was the exclusive period during the 1500 years of researches on Wen Xin Diao Lung. This was not an academic miracle and did not happen without a reason. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the reason of Wen Xin Diao Lung's popularity and the actual situation. The results can serve as a reference for the contemporaries so they can open a path into the future.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 中國大陸文心雕龍近五○年分類索引Mainland ChinaWen Xin Diao Lungthe last 50 yearsClassified Index
刊名 世新中文研究集刊  
期數 200806 (4期)
出版單位 世新大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 投荒萬死鬢毛班──黃庭堅貶謫黔戎之心境




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