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Planning Urban Greenways Along Existing Road Network
作者 羅健文林楨家
自西元1990年代初期,為處理土地使用與運輸路網建設行為所造成都市景觀與生態機能逐漸被破壞的問題,「綠廊道網絡」的理念逐漸在歐美各都市發展且越顯重要。運輸路網雖然是造成景觀碎裂與動物移動阻隔的禍首之一,但亦可以被利用為人工廊道系統進行破碎棲地之縫補,例如以道路網為基礎建構綠廊道網絡系統,來連結都市內的開放空間與公園綠地。據此,本研究以分析階層程序法建構綠廊道網絡應考量之重要因素;再者利用0-1多目標數學規劃方法建立以既有道路網為基礎之都市綠廊道網絡規劃模式,找出哪些路段適合做為綠廊道,以連接都市中之公園綠地,形成完整之綠廊道網絡系統,兼顧土地資源有效之利用與都市景觀生態之改善,並將之實際應用於台北市,利用一階演算法進行模式求解,產生多個替選方案供市政府都市發展、運輸系統與環境景觀規劃等部門進行整合規劃之參考。 Since the beginning of the 1990s, the notion of “greenway network” has been emphasized as a solution for environmental and ecological problems caused by land use and transportation development. Although transportation network is one of the major causes of landscape fragmentation and specie endangerments, it can be used as corridors to connect fragmental patches in urban areas. This research focuses on building a planning model of greenway network which identifies potential greenways based on the existing road networks in urban areas. An analytic hierarchy process was used to select the important factors for modeling. The model was developed as a 0-1 multi-objective programming and was applied to Taipei city. The one-stage algorithm approach was used to solve the model and to generate alternative greenway networks for integrating urban development, transportation system, and landscape planning.
起訖頁 83-123
關鍵詞 綠廊道網絡分析階層程序法0-1多目標數學規劃一階演算法Greenway NetworkAnalytic Hierarchy Process0-1 Multi-objective ProgrammingOne-stage Algorithm
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200905 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 鄉村地區生活品質評量之研究
該期刊-下一篇 從公民治理的觀點論台灣參與式社區規劃之課題與展望




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