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An Assessment of Quality of Life Capital in Rural Areas
作者 廖淑容
鄉村發展,在環境品質、社會資本、和經濟條件的營造,顯得重要。生活品質是檢證一個鄉村地區之經濟、社會、環境、文化和知識條件的基礎,各項條件資本評量可討論鄉村問題與策略。本研究從生活品質資本的角度,建立鄉村地區生活品質評量的五個資本項目與評量體系,並指出環境資本與社會資本應是鄉村地區發展首重的項目。藉由個案比較研究,除說明評量體系的可操作性外,並指出學習、活動舉辦與互動交流是累積鄉村生活品質資本存量的要件;結果可作為鄉村地區發展的參考。 Enhancement of environmental quality, cultural capital, social capital, and the economy is essential for achieving sustainable development in rural areas. The notion of quality of life capital, used across various disciplines, has been proposed as an approach to evaluating rural development. From the perspective of the quality of life capital, this study identifies five items of capital and an evaluation system for analyzing the quality of life in rural districts. It argues that environmental capital and social capital should be the first priority in the development of rural areas. A comparative case study analysis illustrates the operational feasibility of the evaluation system and suggests that learning, community activities, and interaction and exchange are important elements for accumulating the quality of life capital development. Results of this study serve as a useful reference for research on rural development.
起訖頁 55-81
關鍵詞 鄉村地區生活品質鄉村發展Rural SettlementQuality of LifeRural Development
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200905 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 樓層平面圖立體化與加值應用
該期刊-下一篇 以既有道路網布設都市綠廊道網絡之規劃模式




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