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Thoughts on China's Strategy to Participate in Global Governance in the New Era
作者 趙龍躍
黨的十九大報告指出,中國特色社會主義進入了新時代,新時代需要新思想。統籌國際國內規則是習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為中國參與全球治理指明的戰略路徑,包括國際規則國內化和國內規則國際化兩個方面。我國在國際規則國內化方面取得了顯著成就,但是在國內規則國際化方面則相對滯後,並面臨新的挑戰。本文認為,國內規則國際化將成為我國新時代參與全球治理的重點工作,並從戰略思想規劃、規則體系構建、可持續發展、疏通國內外用人機制和專業人才隊伍建設等方面提出了政策建議,旨在進一步提高我國國際規則國內化的效益、國內規則國際化的能力,為推動構建人類命運共同體、積極參與全球治理體系改革和建設,不斷貢獻中國智慧和力量。 The report of the 19th CPC National Congress has pointed out that the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a new era, which calls for new ideas. The co-ordination of international and domestic rules is a strategic path for China's participation in global governance in the new era of Xi Jinping's Socialist Ideology with Chinese Characteristics, including the nationalization of international rules and the internationalization of domestic rules. Even though China has made remarkable achievements in the nationalization of international rules, she has done inadequately in internationalizing of domestic rules, and will face new challenges. The present study argues that the internationalization of domestic rules will be a priority of China's participation in global governance in the new era , and attempts to put forward suggestions for policy-making in strategic planning, the construction of rule system , sustainable development , the interconnection of domestic and foreign employment mechanisms and the establishment of professional teams. In short, the study aims at further improving the efficiency of the nationalization of international rules and the ability of internationalizing domestic rules of China. Hence, China will keep contributing her wisdom and strength in the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and taking an active role in reforming and developing the global governance system.
起訖頁 21-33
關鍵詞 新時代全球治理統籌國際國內規則The New EraGlobal GovernanceCoordinating International and Domestic Rules
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201804 (24:2期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 六論中國在構建國際經濟新秩序中的戰略定位:聚焦評析中國在“金磚國家”崛起十年中的引領作用以及“守法”與“變法”理念的碰撞
該期刊-下一篇 約翰‧傑克遜的WTO憲法思想和WTO當前的憲法問題




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