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Curriculum Design and Development with Innovative Teaching Materials for Marketing Communications and Cultural Creative Programs
作者 柯亞先
從產業需求統計報告得知:企業最缺的是業務人才,常高居職缺排行榜第一名;因此亞東技術學院工業管理系自2013年起開設「行銷傳播」課程,培養「能言善道、會做廣告,且態度良好的基層管理業務人才」。由於縝密的課程規劃與設計,再透過:善用七大教學策略(實地蒐集資料、創作心得分享、教師粉墨登場、創意技法傳授、師生聯合創作、業界師資指導、自行創作廣告),解構大腦功能的教學原理(從左腦出發、向右腦邁進),講授創意思考的技法(腦力激盪法、水平思考法、心智圖法與曼陀羅思考法),利用影音多媒體(Crazy Talk 5)提昇學習效果等教學活動,所獲得之成果斐然,學生均有相當不錯的學習成效,有些作品甚至已具實際應用的商業價值;換言之,本課程的培育目標已初步達成。 According to the enterprise human resource reports in recent years, sales expert was in high demand and topped the shortage list. Therefore, starting year 2013, the Department of Industrial Management, Oriental Institute of Technology (OIT) started to offer Marketing Communications curriculum so as to provide trainings for essential sales and marketing skills, including public speech, advertising, and positive attitude. Tremendous progress has been accomplished thanks to thorough and dedicated efforts for course planning, design, and development with the following effective learning methods and activities: Seven learning tactics (local information gathering, innovation experience sharing, instructor model demonstration, innovative method and procedures, teacher-student joint creation, industry instructor exchange, advertisement creation by student), Human brain anatomy method (from left brain marching to right), Innovative thinking (Brainstorming, Lateral thinking, Mind mapping method and Mandala thinking), and Leveraging multimedia (CrazyTalk 5) to enhance assimilation. To date, some students’ quality works have even reached the level for real commercial applications. In other words, the preliminary stage of training goals for this curriculum has already been achieved.
起訖頁 105-133
關鍵詞 業務人才行銷傳播教學策略創意思考Sales expertsmarketing communicationteaching strategycreative thinking
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201612 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 打造生命的黃金歲月――以立志負責概念融入國文教學之應用
該期刊-下一篇 中海拔原始森林探索活動及微專題實驗操作應用於生態學的教學實踐歷程




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