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武士的死的思想──《葉隠》與《武道初心集》的比較(The Thought of Samurai's Death: A Comparison of Hagakure and Budo Shoshinshu)
作者 張惟綜
「武士道者,死之謂也」,這句話不僅鮮明地描繪出武士挑戰死亡的姿態,更是意味著勇於選擇死亡就是否定人之最大欲望的「生」。《葉隠》極力訴求唯有凝視「死」,更拚命地衝向死亡,人才會獲得真正的自由。然而同樣是注重「死」的《武道初心集》卻是抱持武士應作為人倫實踐者之理念而有不同的解釋。本稿針對武士之「死」,透過《葉隠》之「死」與《武道初心集》之「死」的比較分析進而認識武士的否定思想,並更進一步地嘗試從哲學的觀點來闡釋武士的否定思想。此即為歸依「無」並止揚現狀朝向當為之狀態進展的思想。 The sentence, “The Way of the Samurai is found in death,” not onlyclearly depicts samurai’s attitude challenging death but also means that tochoose death denies “living,” the greatest desire of human beings.Hagakure stresses that only those who gaze into and crush into the deathfeverishly would be able to obtain the true liberty. Budo Shoshinshu alsoregards samurai’s death as important, but interprets death differently,seeing samurai as someone who embodies humanity. This paper focuseson the samurai’s death and compares the death on Hagakure with on BudoShoshinshu. Consequently, it aims not only to reveal the thought of thesamurai’s death but also to interpret the negative thoughts developed bythe death, that is, the denial of present pursuing to reach nothingness,from the philosophical point of view.
起訖頁 215-239
關鍵詞 武士道《葉隠》《武道初心集》士道否定思想BushidoHagakureBudo ShoshinshuShidoNegative Thoughts
刊名 淡江日本論叢  
期數 201512 (32期)
出版單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 サムライの国に持ち運ばれた「アメリカ」–日本のデモクラシーを考える–
該期刊-下一篇 台湾に暮らす「外国にルーツを持つ人々」の言語生活について–配偶者・労働者の滞在条件と支援状況の差異を中心に




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