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The Study of the Current Situation of Our Sports Marketing Company
作者 黃久玲黃承暉
近年來,知名的運動相關賽事,如:ING國際馬拉松路跑、中華汽車盃體操邀請賽、各種校園三對三籃球賽及職業高爾夫賽事…等,皆為運動行銷公司受企業或運動組織之託而舉辦,幾乎每個重要運動事件後面,都存在著一個運動行銷公司的策劃機制,因此,『運動行銷』闢建了運動產業的疆土。本研究採文獻分析法,從我國運動行銷公司的源起與發展、產業類型、產品與服務的內容、經營策略等方面來探討我國運動行銷公司發展現況,以運動行銷公司之專業能力及策略規劃,來籌辦大型運動賽會以及為各運動組織活動進行企劃,以達成運動賽會效益及運動行銷推廣之目標,以顯現其在當前運動產業中之存在價值與重要性,以提供後續研究之參考。 In recent years, the well-known sports-related events, such as: ING International Marathon road race, China Motor Cup Gymnastics Invitational, a variety of campus three on three basketball and professional golf tournament and so on, sports marketing company entrusted by the business or sports organizations and held almost every major sporting event, there is a sports marketing company a planning mechanism, therefore, 'sports marketing' is becoming the territory of sports industry. This study has adopted the literature review method, and the goal is to explore the origins of sports marketing company、development、industry type, the content of products and services、business strategy, etc. to discuss current situation of our sports marketing company, drawing on the professional skills and strategic planning of these sports marketing company, to organize large system sports competitions and activities and the planning of sports organizations to achieve the goals that the benefit of sports competitions and sport marketing will promote , in order to show its value and importance of the current sport industry and to provide a reference for future research.
起訖頁 27-39
關鍵詞 運動行銷運動賽會策略規劃Sports MarketingSports CompetitionsStrategic Planning
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201503 (4期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 飛行傘活動參與體驗者、遊客休閒阻礙原因之探討
該期刊-下一篇 台灣大專網球選手在不同條件的工作團隊氣氛和社會團隊氣氛之分析




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