This paper describes Lejeunea bidentula Herz. as a newly recorded species of liverwort to Taiwan. It is easily distinguishable from other congeners on the island by having distinctly bidentate leaf-lobule. The occurrence of this species reported herein provides an evidence of the phytogeographic affinity of the bryoflora in Taiwan with those in the Southeast Himalayas and Yunnan of China.
本文描述台灣新紀錄蘚類--雙齒細鱗蘚。本種可藉由腹瓣具明顯的雙齒與台灣其他同屬物種區別之。本種的發現為台灣與喜馬拉雅山東南段及中國雲南地區之苔蘚植物地理親緣性提供佐證。 |