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A Giant Exotic Speckled Longfin Eel (Anguilla reinhardtii Steindachner, 1867) Captured from the Sun Moon Lake
作者 張世倉葉明峰陳榮宗蔡奇立 (Chi-Li Tsai)沈康寧蔡住發 (Chu-Fa Tsai)
A giant speckled longfin eel (Anguilla reinhardtii Steindachner, 1867) measuring 175 cm and weighing 18 kg was captured from the Sun Moon Lake of Central Taiwan on 23 January 2008. This was the first record of this exotic species from inland waters of Taiwan, and the largest of the kind outside its native ranges of New Guinea and East Australia. Probably, this eel was one of the live eels imported from Australia and sold as the mottled eel (Anguilla marmorata) in Taiwan. It was released to the lake for religious belief, or escaped from aquarium or restaurant. Finding this giant exotic eel in the natural inland waters raises a concern on the requirement for strict regulation of commercial importation of exotic fishes to Taiwan. 2008年1月23日,1尾體長175 cm、體重18 kg的大型外來魚種寬鰭鰻(Anguilla reinhardtiiSteindachner, 1867)在台灣中部的日月潭被當地民眾釣獲,這是台灣天然內陸水域的新紀錄種,也是在寬鰭鰻原產地新幾內亞和澳洲東岸以外區域所發現的最大個體。顯然地,該個體應是人為自澳洲活體引進台灣,欲以保育類魚種鱸鰻(Anguilla marmorata)名義販售,後來因宗教放生行為,或是由養殖場及當地餐廳逸逃進入日月潭。大型外來魚種寬鰭鰻在台灣天然內陸水域出現,顯示加強外來種魚類商業輸入相關管制措施應受到更多的關注。
起訖頁 59-64
關鍵詞 寬鰭鰻台灣speckled longfin eelAnguilla reinhardtiiTaiwan
刊名 特有生物研究  
期數 200807 (10:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣新紀錄種蚯蚓乳突重胃蚓Dichogaster affinis(Michaelsen, 1890)
該期刊-下一篇 台灣新紀錄蘚類--雙齒細鱗蘚




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