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台灣新紀錄--斑帶圓捲螺Volvatella vigourouxi(Montrouzier, 1861)(後鰓亞綱:囊舌目:圓捲螺科)之形態與行為描述
A Description of Volvatella vigourouxi (Montrouzier, 1861) (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa: Volvatellidae) as a Snail Newly Recorded to Taiwan with Special References to Its Behaviors
作者 黃彥銘劉莉蓮蘇俊育邱郁文 (Yuh-Wen Chiu)
本文報導斑帶圓捲螺Volvatella vigourouxi(Montrouzier, 1861)為台灣軟體動物囊舌目(Sacoglossa)的新紀錄科(圓捲螺科,Volvatellidae)、屬(圓捲螺屬,Volvatella)及種外,並描述斑帶圓捲螺發現之棲地及其形態與攝食、交配、防禦等生態行為。高雄柴山珊瑚礁海岸之斑帶圓捲螺棲息於低潮帶針葉蕨藻Caulerpa sertularioides(Gmelin)Howe,1905的藻叢間,體長介於4.97-9.31 mm間,以針葉蕨藻為食。交配時個體長小於6 mm扮演之角色為雄性,會爬至個體長大於7 mm之雌性背部右側進行交配。當個體受到攻擊時,會分泌出白色黏液,並迅速逃離。 This paper describes Volvatella vigourouxi (Montrouzier, 1861) (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa: Volvatellidae) as a species newly recorded to Taiwan. It was a small snail with body lengths of 4.97 mm to 9.31 mm. It inhabited on coral reefs in the coastal intertidal zone of Chai-shan, Kaohsiung and fed on green algae, Caulerpa sertularioides (Gmelin) Howe, 1905. Although it was a hermaphroditic animal, testes became mature at earlier ages than ovaries, so that the sizes of individuals less than 6 mm were found to be males, and larger than 7 mm were females. In copulation the small male mounted on the top of the large female. When attacked, it secreted white mucus and crawled away.
起訖頁 63-75
關鍵詞 囊舌目圓捲螺科新紀錄行為台灣SacoglossaVolvatellidaenew recordbehaviorTaiwan
刊名 特有生物研究  
期數 200707 (9:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 三種台灣新紀錄蜻蜓
該期刊-下一篇 台灣新紀錄禾草--日本莠竹




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