中文摘要 |
本文發表3種在台灣北部採集到蜻蜓科的新紀錄,分別為長尾蜻蜓Sympetrum cordulegaster(Selys, 1883)、秋紅蜻蜓Sympetrum depressiusculum(Selys, 1841)和黑翅蜻蜓Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys,1883。根據台灣所採到的標本描述其外部形態和環境,並提供台灣赤腹蜻屬(Sympetrum)和麗翅蜻屬(Rhyothemis)的檢索表,以方便不同種類間的比較。
This paper reports Sympetrum cordulegaster (Selys, 1883), Sympetrum depressiusculum (Selys, 1841) and Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys, 1883, as three species of dragonflies newly recorded to Taiwan. Their characters, habit and habitat are briefly described. Also, their color photographs and keys to the species of the genera Sympetrum and Rhyothemis of Taiwan are provided for their identification. |