中文摘要 |
本文報導臺灣產舖地蜈蚣屬(薔薇科)一新紀錄種--高山栒子(Cotoneaster subadpressus Yu)。本種和平枝舖地蜈蚣較為相似,但本種葉片厚革質,乾燥後不會變黑色,花瓣基部紅色,往先端逐漸變為白色;後者葉片薄,乾燥後變為黑色,花瓣全為紅色,兩者可以互相區別。本種目前僅發現於合歡北峰海拔3,250-3,350m玉山箭竹草坡中,數量十分稀少。
This paper reports Cotoneaster subadpressus Yu as a new record to the flora of Taiwan, withdescriptions of its habitat and characters including pollen structure. Its previously known distributionrange was in southwestern China. In Taiwan it was found at Mt. Hohuan at the elevations of 3,250m to3,350m in the central portion of the island. C. subadpressus has characters fairly resembling to that ofnative Cotoneaster horizontalis Dence., but the two species are easily distinguishable. C. subadpressushas thick leaves and white petals with red bases, whereas C. horizontalis has thin leaves and uniformlyred pedals. |