本研究是從19隻台灣長鬃山羊的樣本中定出其粒線體DNA的12S rRNA(395 bp)及cytochromeb(307 bp)的部分DNA序列,比較DNA序列的結果顯示其中12S rRNA有4種單套型(haplotype),各單套型之間的遺傳變異在0.3%至0.8%之間,顯示在台灣長鬃山羊個體間的粒線體DNA 的12SrRNA 演化速率很慢,利用這段基因的序列可作為物種間的鑑定。而cytochrome b DNA序列經比對共得到6種單套型,各單套型之間的遺傳變異在0.3%至2.0%之間,和12S rRNA比較,其具有較快的演化速率及較大的變異。利用cytochrome b親緣樹關係分析結果,發現台灣長鬃山羊的遺傳變異可分為兩群,一群位在花蓮太魯閣地區,一群位在臺東地區,而兩群之間推測可能存在有地理條件上的阻隔,這結果顯示著台灣長鬃山羊的基因差異性可能是由於臺灣的地理條件的阻隔所造成演化上的差異。
Partial sequences of mitochondrial 12S rRNA (395 bp) and cytochrome b (307 bp) of the Formosanserow Naemorhedus swinhoei from 19 different sources were detemined by direct sequencing after PCRamplification. Four haplotypes were detected for the 12S rRNA and six for the cytochrome b. Geneticdistance divergence between the haplotypes was estimated to be less than 0.8%for the 12S rRNA and 0.3%-2.0% for the cytochrome b. The results indicate that the genetic evolution rate is faster and thenucleotide sequence is more variable for the cytochrome b than for the 12S rRNA. The phylogenetic treedata revealed that the Formosan serow in Taiwan is divided into two geographical populations: one in theTaroko area of Hua-lien and the other in the Taitung area with somewhere as the boundary. |