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Four-frame Comics Applied in the Design of '' Fantasy Exhibition Hall '' at the National Science and Technology Museum
作者 盧昭蓉陳玫岑麥綉婉
位於國立科學工藝博物館(以下簡稱科工館)地下一樓的「兒童科學園:夢想號」(以下簡稱「夢想號」),目標觀眾群為5-10歲學童(幼稚園中班至小學中年級)。為幫助目標族群學習「食物保存」的科學知識,策展人運用漫畫手法,以圖文方式介紹7種常見的「食品保存」方式,期能引發學童自行探索的興趣。為瞭解四格漫畫傳達的內容是否能為孩童所了解,本研究運用漫畫圖稿配合深度訪談的方式,經過與目標族群師生及具食品保存專業背景的老師訪談結果,據以調整圖文內容並獲得以下結論:一、四格漫畫可以吸引孩童學習興趣對於識字能力未足的孩童而言,漫畫圖多於文的特色,確實可以吸引他們發揮想像力,透過簡易文字幫助他們更加了解內容。二、四格漫畫的展示手法能足夠表達食品保存的知識四格漫畫所運用的「起、承、轉、合」方式,萃取最核心精髓的內容分布於四格中進行表達,可方便掌握最關鍵的概念。三、專有名詞毋須過度解釋目標學童年齡還小,未來仍有很長的學習過程,本次學習係奠基在過去的實用生活經歷,對於較難的專有名詞,雖在當下學童並不了解,但仍可於未來進行延伸學習與閱讀,讓本次新學得的食品保存知識成為未來學習的知識基礎。 The target audience of “Fantasy exhibition hall" at the National Science and Technology Museum (hereinafter referred to as NSTM) is 5 to 10 years old children. In order to help them learn the scientific knowledge of food preservation, the curator used comics to evoke the students' interest in exploring the relevant contents on their own. In order to understand whether the contents of the four-frame comics can be understood by children, this research uses comics and in-depth interviews with teachers and students of the target group and teachers with background in food preservation to adjust the contents accordingly and have following conclusions: 1.Four-frame comics can attract children's interest in learning For children whose literacy skills are not sufficient, comics can really attract them to use imagination and help them understand more through simple words. 2.Four-frame comics can adequately express the knowledge of food preservation The “starting, bearing, translating, and combining" methods used in the four-frame comics can extract the core essence of the content which facilitates the mastery of the main idea of food preservation. 3.Proper nouns need not be over-interpreted The target schoolchildren are young and still have a long learning process in the future, although difficult terms might not be understood in the moment, however, this newly learned food preservation knowledge can become a knowledge base for their future learning.
起訖頁 43-72
關鍵詞 展示設計漫畫食品保存exhibition designcomicsfood preservation
刊名 科技博物  
期數 201812 (22:4期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 行動博物館之探討:以新北市博物館為例
該期刊-下一篇 「聲音故事館」展示規劃的挑戰與對策




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