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Discussion of Variant Characters in Muromachi Period Wen Xuan Codices in Yang Shoujing’s Collection
作者 何維剛
楊守敬舊藏日本室町年間《文選》二十卷殘卷古鈔本,黃侃、高步瀛、向宗魯、傅增湘等人曾過錄參校,其文獻價值不言可喻。但因收藏於臺灣國立故宮博物院,較少受到當今治《選》學者之關注。關於古鈔本之異文與底本,楊守敬以為古鈔本異文多同於李善注,向宗魯、傅剛則以為近於五臣注;而古鈔本之底本,或謂錄於李善注本、源於隋唐舊本、出於《文選集注》之後,至今未有定案。藉由《唐鈔文選集注彙存》之正文與編者按語,對校古鈔本異文,不難發現古鈔本與李善注本關係密切。並且透過異文對校,參照古鈔本之形式、類目,或可做為推斷古鈔本底本的些許線索,並從中探討古鈔本的文獻價值。 Twenty damaged volumes of unannotated Muromachi Period 室町年間 Wen xuan 文選 codices collected by Yang Shoujing 楊守敬 were transcribed and proofread by Huang Kan 黃侃 , Gao Buying 高步瀛 , Xiang Zonglu 向 宗魯 and Fu Zengxiang 傅增湘 . Though the literary value of these codices hardly needs stating, the fact that they are currently in the National Palace Museum’s collection means that, up until now, they have attracted relatively little attention from modern Wen xuan scholars. Yang Shoujing suggested that most of the variant characters in these ancient codices were similar to those found in Li Shan’s 李 善 commentary to the Wen xuan, while Xiang Zonglu and Fu Gang 傅剛 argued that they were closer to the five scholars’ commentaries. As for the identity of the base text for the codices, scholars have yet to conclude whether it was recorded in Li Shan’s commentary, it was an old SuiTang edition, or if it came from Wen xuan jizhu 文選集注 . When comparing the Tang chao wen xuan jizhu huicun’s 唐鈔文選集注彙存 main text and the editor’s notes with the variant characters in the ancient codices, it is apparent that the ancient codices are closely related to the Li Shan commentary edition. By collating variant characters and referring to the forms and categories of ancient codices, it may be possible to infer some clues about the base text, and explore the literary value of the ancient codices.
起訖頁 33-66
關鍵詞 文選室町鈔本楊守敬唐鈔文選集注彙存異文Wen xuan文選Muromachi period codicesYang Shoujing楊守敬Tang chao wen xuan jizhu huicun唐鈔文選集注彙存variant characters
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201806 (36:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《史記三家注》對項羽形象的轉化與虞姬形象的深化
該期刊-下一篇 廣面具說──吳梅村〈贈陸生〉詩的曲折自辯




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