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The Transformed Images of Xiang Yu and Consort Yu in the Shiji Sanjiazhu
作者 林郁迢
黃善夫本《史記三家注》〈項羽本紀〉收錄張守節《史記正義》所引「虞姬墓」、〈虞姬答歌〉兩條資料,除了使「霸王別姬」有更為完整的故事情節之外,也讓「垓下之圍」這個段落的敘事密度更加飽滿,而導致原先司馬遷筆下之〈項羽本紀〉的敘事結構在《史記三家注》中產生意想不到的美學質變,此不僅深化虞姬原先模糊不清的形象,也轉化了項羽暴虐嗜殺的既有形象,進而給予後世文學家莫大的創作想像空間,在詩歌、戲劇、小說等文學藝術上取得豐碩成果。 The tomb of Consort Yu 虞姬墓 and poem “Yu ji dage” ( 虞姬答歌 Consort Yu’s Song in Reply) are mentioned in the chapter “Xiang Yu ben ji” ( 項羽 本紀 Annals of Xiang Yu) of the Huang Shanfu edition of the Shiji sanjiazhu (Three Schools’ Commentaries on the Records of the Grand Historian). Zhang Shoujie 張守節 quoted these details in his Shiji zhengyi ( 史記正義 Correct Meaning of the Records of the Grand Historian) from earlier sources. The information they contain not only serves to make the plot of Bawang bieji ( 霸王 別姬 Farewell My Concubine) more complete, but also to intensify the account of Xiang Yu’s defeat at the battle of Gaixia 垓下. As a result, this produces unexpected changes in the aesthetic qualities of the narrative in the Shiji sanjiazhu, compared to Sima Qian’s 司馬遷 original account. These changes bring depth and clarity to the originally vague image of Consort Yu, and transform Xiang Yu from a brutal bloodthirsty man into a romantic hero. As a consequence, later writers were afforded the utmost room to exercise their creative imaginations, which produced rich literary fruit in poetry, drama, and fiction.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 項羽虞姬史記史記三家注史記正義Xiang Yu項羽Consort Yu虞姬Shiji史記Shiji sanjiazhu史記三家注Shiji zhengyi史記正義
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201806 (36:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 試論楊守敬舊藏《文選》室町鈔本的異文與來源問題




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