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From Historical Objects Collection to Cultural and Creative Commodities Marketing: Exploring Dualism and the Capitalistic Logic in The Man in the High Castle
作者 曾瑞華
本文透過紀傑克論諾斯底主義與資本主義的觀點閱讀迪克的架空歷史小說《高堡奇人》。透過小說中架空歷史的敘事結構與文物收藏的故事情節,本文指出,儘管作者原本企圖藉由對虛實的顛覆與對文創複製商品的抗拒擺脫卑劣的物質世界,以臻至完美的靈知世界,其對真實的執著(一如其明顯可見的諾斯底主義色彩)不僅沒有讓他更接近真實的理想世界,反而讓他因僵固化(或物化)的價值理念更進一步地深陷於虛幻的觀念迷宮──或即紀傑克理論中所描述的最具法西斯主義色彩的利比多轉化機制:資本主義體制。例如,儘管從事歷史文物與原創手工藝品買賣的契爾丹先生反對在開模量產文創商品的產銷過程中,原創的美國手工藝品只能做量產商品的模子,對於資本主義抹殺原創真品價值的運作更是強烈不滿,其對原創真品的看重事實上仍是與資本主義商品區隔的運作邏輯互嵌的。基於此,他所拒絕量產的文創商品不僅不會消失,反而得以藉由其所值的價格流通市場,間接鞏固他所批判的資本/重利主義。全文共分四節,首節論證小說中的二元思維與諾斯底主義色彩,次節闡述紀傑克有關諾斯底二元思維與資本主義發展邏輯的論述,第三節從小說中與文物收藏及交易有關的細節探討真品收藏與資本主義運作邏輯的相關性,並藉以反思當代社會中商品化歷史文物充斥的現況,末節則從紀傑克的觀點探討如何以更有建設性的態度面對歷史文物的產業化過程。 This article explores the dualism and capitalistic logic inherent in Philip K. Dick's alternative history novel The Man in the High Castle by using Slavoj Žižek's theory on Gnosticism and capitalistic logic. Through an analysis (based on Žižek's critique on the dualism of Gnosticism) of the futile resistance to the industrialization of the historical objects in the novel, this article, by revealing the conceptual trap of dualism, explains why the author, in spite of his attempt to pursue the immaterial gnosis absent from the present world, still fails to disengage himself from the material world he thought he would be disengaged from. The article comprises of four sections. The first section uncovers the dualistic order and the Gnostic element of the novel. The second section explores Žižek's view on Gnosticism and its affinity with the operation of capitalism. The third section examines capitalism as the fundamental structure which not only underlies the development of the novel, especially the part involving historical objects collection and exchange, but also dominates the development of our contemporary society where historical objects are driven to be commercialized. Finally, on the basis of Žižek's theory of non-action the last section attempts to propose a way to confront the capitalization of historical objects better than Dick's Gnostic approach.
起訖頁 9-44
關鍵詞 歷史文物文化生產諾斯底主義資本主義《高堡奇人》不作為historical objectscultural productionGnosticismcapitalismThe Man in the High Castlenon-action
刊名 中外文學  
期數 201803 (47:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 人與物的世界:從班雅明閱讀卡夫卡的短篇故事〈一家之主的憂慮〉談起




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