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Telling the Story of the Beigou Palace Museum with Historical Images
作者 莊靈
本文由演講稿改寫,通過歷史影像照片,陳述故宮南遷的歷史,從而突顯「北溝故宮」的意義及價值,以及我個人在北溝生活的故事。全文區分六部分:一、北京的故宮文物是怎樣來到霧峰北溝的?二、歷時十五年的(1950-1965)北溝故宮發展概況。三、北溝故宮:當年世界欲親炙中國皇室藝術珍藏的唯一所在。四、我的北溝成長經歷和我最早的攝影。五、1965年故宮北遷之後:閒置、臺製/省交/台影、921廢墟。六、北溝故宮遺址的現況和未來。以鳥瞰方式理解大時代的變化,呈顯「北溝故宮」遺址的意義;透過個人故事,盼能回歸純樸的北溝與高貴的人性。 This paper tells the story of the passage of the Palace museum from Beijing to Taiwan with the help of historical images. It highlights the importance of the Beigou Palace museum with the help of some personal experience as a resident of Beigou. The paper is divided in six parts: the first part concerns the passage of the Palace museum from Beijing to Wufeng, the second part deals with the sixteen years the Palace museum was located in Beigou, the third part highlights the importance of the Palace museum as the most important collection of Chinese art, the fourth part is concerned with my personal experiences and my photographs of the Beigou Palace museum, the fifth part deals with the state of the Beigou Palace museum site after the museum moved to Taipei, the sixth part deals with the situation after the 1999 earthquake until now. This paper uses personal experience as a perspective on the historical changes surrounding the Palace museum.
起訖頁 17-60
關鍵詞 歷史影像故宮北溝故宮遺址攝影Historical ImagesBeigou Palace Museum. Palace MuseumPhotography
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 我對北溝故宮山洞庫房重整與再生的看法
該期刊-下一篇 「北溝故宮」的記憶及其意義




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