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My Opinion on the Reorganization and Regeneration of Tunnel of Preservation of Beigou Palace Museum
作者 馮明珠
故宮博物院部分南遷文物於1948年12月至1949年1月分三批播遷來臺,曾留駐在臺中霧峰北溝前後十六年,期間除設置陳列室展覽文物外,也依山開鑿有防空襲作用的文物典藏山洞庫房,迄1966年3月故宮文物全數移至臺北故宮現址,才結束北溝故宮時代。其後北溝故宮這塊土地,歷經變化,至1999年地面建築幾乎盡毀於921大地震。2014年,日本NHK電視臺來臺製作故宮文物播遷史影片,發現碩果僅存的山洞文物典藏庫房已被土地擁有者填埋,其後在各方奔走搶救下,這座擁有如此重要歷史記憶的遺跡,終被臺中市政府指定為歷史建築。本文在綜整各界對如何令北溝故宮山洞庫房再生活化的意見後,提出筆者對此問題的看法。 Parts of the artifacts subjected to relocation from the Palace Museum to Taichung was stored in a small village, Beigou of Wufeng, for 16 years. During these period, in addition to setting the showroom for artifacts exhibition, a tunnel with the role of guarding against air strikes and preservation for artifacts. Since March 1966, all artifacts were moved to Taipei National Palace Museum, which ends the period of Beigou Palace Museum. After this period, the land of Beigou Palace Museum has changed, and was almost destroyed by 921 earthquake in 1999. The Japanese television station, NHK, shoot a program on the history of Palace Museum relocation of Taiwan in 2014. And the tunnel of preservation for artifacts had already been buried by the land owner. With the help and efforts from various people, the historical significance of this tunnel was finally recognized by the Taichung City Government. In this article, I gathered opinions from people from all walks of life which were targeted to the issue of rejuvenation of this tunnel of preservation, and showed my own opinion of this issue.
起訖頁 3-16
關鍵詞 國立故宮博物院北溝故宮山洞文物庫房歷史記憶National Palace MuseumBeigou Palace MuseumTunnel of Preservation for artifactsHistorical Memory
刊名 止善  
期數 201712 (23期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 從歷史影像憶談北溝故宮的故事




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