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Developments in the Law in 2017: Constitutional Law
作者 蘇慧婕
本文從憲法解釋、重要立法和重要事件等三個面向出發,回顧並整理2017年的憲政發展。就憲法解釋而言,司法院大法官在2017年共作成16號解釋,本文從中選擇嚴格審查言論事前限制的釋字第744號解釋、以大法官解釋作為原因案件救濟法源的釋字第747號解釋、宣告民法婚姻章不包含同性婚姻違憲的釋字第748號解釋、細緻檢驗職業自由限制的釋字第749號解釋,以及進一步剝除特別權力關係桎梏的釋字第755、756號解釋,進行簡要分析。此外,適逢解嚴30週年,2017年也在民主和轉型正義領域中分別制定了將深刻形塑我國法治國和民主國面貌的重要立法:政黨法、打破「雙二一」鳥籠的公投法修正,和回應「有金錢無真相」指責,嘗試臺灣轉型正義工程擘畫藍圖的促進轉型正義條例。最後,本文也會針對司改國是會議和前瞻基礎計畫預算爭議這兩個重要憲政事件,進行簡扼分析。 This article looks into the development of Taiwan’s constitutional law in 2017 in three aspects: constitutional interpretations, important legislations, and key events of constitutional importance. Among the 16 decisions the Constitutional Court made in 2017, this article discusses Judicial Yuan (J.Y.) Interpretations No. 744, 747, 748, 749, 755 and 756. No. 744 strengthened the standard to scrutinize the prior restraint of speech. No. 747 referred the J.Y. Interpretation itself as a legal source for judging the initial case. No. 748 declared the relevant Civil Code provisions not including same-sex marriage unconstitutional. No. 749 subtly reviewed restrictions on the freedom of work. No. 755 and 756 continued to move away from the special factual power relationship. Through these Interpretations, the Taiwanese Constitutional Court fortifies protection of fundamental rights in terms of timely remedy and thorough scrutiny. As for legislations, the Legislative Yuan passed/amended three important acts to consolidate democracy and to implement transitional justice on the thirtieth anniversary of the end of martial regime: the Political Parties Act, the Referendum Act and the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice. In addition to these mentioned advancements, President Tsai initiated a second round of comprehensive judicial reform in the democratized island country. However, the controversy over the budget for Forward-Looking Infrastructure Development Program reveals the problem of special budget once again.
起訖頁 1677-1721
關鍵詞 同性婚姻定期失效違憲宣告言論事前限制職業自由特別權力關係政黨法鳥籠公投轉型正義司改國是會議前瞻基礎計畫預算same-sex marriage, declaration of laws unconstitutional but invalid laterprior restraint of speechfreedom of workspecial factual power relationship (besonderes Gewaltverhältnis)Political Parties Acttrapped referendumtransitional justiceNational Affairs Conference on Judicial Reformbudget of Forward-Looking Infrastructure Development Program
刊名 國立臺灣大學法學論叢  
期數 201811 (47:3特刊期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 多元性別融入醫病溝通與醫療決策
該期刊-下一篇 2017年行政法發展回顧




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