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A study on the Public Spaces Satisfaction of Compound Transfer Stations in Taipei Metropolitan Area
作者 黃冠華
近年來由於都市快速發展成長與規模擴大,城際運輸需求有著明顯的增長,造成都市內土地利用及人類旅運行為極大的改變,而人們運具間的替代選擇等複雜的運輸需求無法以單一運輸工具有效地滿足,因此各類大眾運輸轉運中心因運而生,我國亦致力於設置各類複合式運輸轉運站,如2009年臺北車站旁第一座立體式「臺北轉運站」、2010年啟用臺北市東區「市府轉運站」,以及2010年開幕購物中心之新北市「板橋車站」,皆為結合商場及交通轉乘之複合轉運中心。本研究以此臺北都會區三轉運站作為個案研究,透過實地勘查與問卷調查方法,評估各轉運站於「轉乘便易」、「商業經濟」、「防災保全」、「環境寧適」、「乘務系統」五大面向之公共空間規劃設計,發現旅客對於轉運站複合公共空間之各評估意向,普遍認知至少於普通水準之上,惟轉運站也存在經濟、服務及防災等方面等課題,例如缺乏節慶活動舉辦與節慶氣氛營造,以及對於防災訓練與演習仍不足,因此於未來改善建議與策略上,應建構「完善乘務系統」與「舒適轉乘環境」、強化場站「防救災安全」及吸引人潮刺激「商業經濟」,以期作為轉運站永續經營之參考依據。 In recent years, as urban growth and the rapid development of scale, intercity transport demand has significantly increased, resulting in changing land use and trip behavior. Complex transportation needs cannot be effectively met, resulting in various types of compound transfer station. Taiwan is also committed to set up various types of compound transfer station, such as Taipei City Hall Bus Station, Taipei Bus Station and Banqiao Station.This paper proposed a conceptual satisfactions evaluation framework by referring related literatures and expert discussion, taking the compound transfer station of Taipei City Hall Bus Station, Taipei Bus Station and Banqiao Station as example. To evaluate their public spaces form five dimensions, including ”traffic function”, ”commercial activity”, ”transferring environment”, ”transferring system”, and ”disaster-prevention and security” dimensions etc. Satisfaction survey found that there are economic, services, disaster prevention and other issues in these transfer stations. Such as the lack of organizing festivals and festive atmosphere, and disaster-prevention drill is still insufficient. By doing so, to create fine quality of transfer environment, and give some suggestions to improve compound transfer station planning and design.
In recent years, as urban growth and the rapid development of scale, intercity transport demand has significantly increased, resulting in changing land use and trip behavior. Complex transportation needs cannot be effectively met, resulting in various types of compound transfer station. Taiwan is also committed to set up various types of compound transfer station, such as Taipei City Hall Bus Station, Taipei Bus Station and Banqiao Station.This paper proposed a conceptual satisfactions evaluation framework by referring related literatures and expert discussion, taking the compound transfer station of Taipei City Hall Bus Station, Taipei Bus Station and Banqiao Station as example. To evaluate their public spaces form five dimensions, including ”traffic function”, ”commercial activity”, ”transferring environment”, ”transferring system”, and ”disaster-prevention and security” dimensions etc. Satisfaction survey found that there are economic, services, disaster prevention and other issues in these transfer stations. Such as the lack of organizing festivals and festive atmosphere, and disaster-prevention drill is still insufficient. By doing so, to create fine quality of transfer environment, and give some suggestions to improve compound transfer station planning and design.
起訖頁 63-96
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201307 (24期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 捷運建設制度及其補助模式之代理問題分析
該期刊-下一篇 銷售模式對商用不動產價格之影響──以台北市辦公室為例




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