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The Evolution of Industrial District and Path Dependency-The Case of Taipei Industrial District
作者 廖皇傑 (Huang-Chieh Liao)
過去工業地域文獻多以廠商為研究主體,扣連聚集經濟、內生成長、創新系統、網絡組織與治理等概念而有不同實證研究,較少論及地方性制度空間的角色。本研究主要闡明臺北市工業地域的演化過程中制度空間的角色與轉化以及制度變遷的路徑依賴驅動因素,並探討路徑創造可能性。研究結果發現,工業地域演化過程受地租、全球化、去工業化及產權等因素特徵化路徑,並依交易成本與管制區分工業區、編定工業區、特定專用區及分區變更等演化路徑;地方政府以土地使用鬆綁的彈性制度性調整策略回應創造全球化空間,並支配性地以內科品牌制度再生產,引導工業地域朝去工業化地景轉型;強制性與誘致性的制度變遷互動演化過程與新的制度性調整引導生物科技、IC設計及數位內容、影視、策略性產業、企業總部等新的區位之窗機會;工業地域伴隨路徑依賴慣性演化而有制度趨同現象,大內科企業總部的繁榮經濟地景則為路徑依賴學習對象並自我強化經濟發展;創新加值的區中有區與突破制度閉鎖的浮動分區,路徑創造區位機會之窗。 In the past the industrial district literature study mainly includes manufacturers, buckle connected agglomeration economies, endogenous growth, innovation systems, network organization and governance concept and different empirical studies. They rarely discuss the role of the local institutional space. This study was to clarify the role and conversion of the institutional space and the dependant driven factor of the institutional change during Taipei's industrial district evolution. The possibility of creating new paths is also included. The results showed that, affected by factors like government rent, industrial district evolution, globalization, de-industrialization and property right the path became characterized. The evolutionary path of zoning industrial district, industrial district establishment, specifying designated district and zoning change was depended on transaction costs and regulatory distinction; the local government respond to the globalization process with flexible institutional strategy and create globalization space to dominantly guiding the de-industrialization transformation of industrial district; the mandatory and inducible institution's transform, interaction, and evolution and new institutional adjustment can guide biological technology, IC design and digital content, media, strategic industries, corporate headquarters to achieve location window of opportunity; the industrial district with dependant and customary path evolution consist a phenomenon of institutional convergence, compared with large corporate headquarters' prosperity and economic landscape in Neihu Technology Park is a living example of path dependency and self-reinforcing economic development; innovation and value-added of ”District within a district” and break institutional lock-in of ”Floating Zoning” in industrial district , path created the location window of opportunity.
In the past the industrial district literature study mainly includes manufacturers, buckle connected agglomeration economies, endogenous growth, innovation systems, network organization and governance concept and different empirical studies. They rarely discuss the role of the local institutional space. This study was to clarify the role and conversion of the institutional space and the dependant driven factor of the institutional change during Taipei's industrial district evolution. The possibility of creating new paths is also included. The results showed that, affected by factors like government rent, industrial district evolution, globalization, de-industrialization and property right the path became characterized. The evolutionary path of zoning industrial district, industrial district establishment, specifying designated district and zoning change was depended on transaction costs and regulatory distinction; the local government respond to the globalization process with flexible institutional strategy and create globalization space to dominantly guiding the de-industrialization transformation of industrial district; the mandatory and inducible institution's transform, interaction, and evolution and new institutional adjustment can guide biological technology, IC design and digital content, media, strategic industries, corporate headquarters to achieve location window of opportunity; the industrial district with dependant and customary path evolution consist a phenomenon of institutional convergence, compared with large corporate headquarters' prosperity and economic landscape in Neihu Technology Park is a living example of path dependency and self-reinforcing economic development; innovation and value-added of ”District within a district” and break institutional lock-in of ”Floating Zoning” in industrial district , path created the location window of opportunity.
起訖頁 1-32
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201307 (24期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 捷運建設制度及其補助模式之代理問題分析




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