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國土測繪與空間資訊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A New Geoid Model of Taiwan:Applications to Hazard Mitigation, Environmental Monitoring and Height Modernization
作者 黃金維許宏銳黃啟訓
全球定位系統(GPS)已對傳統的測繪產生革命性的變化,GPS已廣泛使用於防災及環境監測。許多GPS應用中,需利用大地水準面模式(Geoid)將橢球高轉為正高。絕大部分的工程應用使用正高系統,而非橢球高系統。本文收集現有的陸地,海洋及空載重力,並分別對陸測及空載資料進行粗差偵測及系統誤差修正。為了填補中央山區陸測重力資料不足的區域,本文提出一套漸進式整合法將空載重力資料與現有重力資料進行有效的整合並重建山區重力訊號。重力法大地起伏模採用以快速傅立葉變換(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)為基礎的stokes積分理論來計算,過程中搭配傳統去除-計算-回復法,長波長分量使用地球重力模型(Earth gravitational model 2008, EGM08)展開至720階,短波長分量則考慮殘餘地形模型(Residual Terrain Model, RTM)。新一代大地起伏模型使用七條”觀測”大地起伏來進行精度評估,這些驗證資料分布於七條主要道路的一等水準點上,由位於山區的central及south兩條檢核線的結果顯示漸進式整合法可以改善至5公分以內的精度,混合型大地起伏模型透過整合重力法及觀測大地起伏計算而得,本文所發展的新一代大地起伏模型已廣泛在產官學界應用於橢球高與正高間的轉換,內文中亦有列舉些應用案例,例如光達(Lidar)產製數值高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)、淹水範圍估計及高程現代化。 The Global Positioning System (GPS) have revolutionized the conventional surveying and mapping practice, and has been used extensively in hazard mitigation and environmental monitoring. For many GPS applications, it is necessary to transform GPS-derived ellipsoidal height to orthometric heights (OHs) with a Geoid model. The OH system, instead of the ellipsoidal height system, is used in most engineering applications. In this paper, existing land, marine and airborne gravity anomalies are collected and processed to remove data outliers and systematic errors. In order to supplement mountainous regions where only few land gravity data exist, a progressive combination method was applied to merge airborne gravity with land gravity and then to reconstruct the gravity signals over mountainous area. The Stokes formula based on the FFT technique was used to compute the geoid model with the standard remove-computation-restore procedure. The latest global gravity model, EGM08, is used as the long wavelength part of the geoid. The residual terrain model (RTM) contributes to the short wavelength part of the geoid. The new geoid model is evaluated using “observed” geoidal heights at Taiwan’s first-order leveling benchmarks along 7 major routes. Results of validation along central and south routes show that the progressive combination method improves the accuracy of mountainous geoidal heights by 5cm. A hybrid geoid model is determined by merging GPS-derived and gravimetric geoidal heights. The geoid model is now widely used in Taiwan for ellipsoidal height-orthometric height conversion. Sample applications in Lidar DEM generation, flood estimation, and height modernization are discussed.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) have revolutionized the conventional surveying and mapping practice, and has been used extensively in hazard mitigation and environmental monitoring. For many GPS applications, it is necessary to transform GPS-derived ellipsoidal height to orthometric heights (OHs) with a Geoid model. The OH system, instead of the ellipsoidal height system, is used in most engineering applications. In this paper, existing land, marine and airborne gravity anomalies are collected and processed to remove data outliers and systematic errors. In order to supplement mountainous regions where only few land gravity data exist, a progressive combination method was applied to merge airborne gravity with land gravity and then to reconstruct the gravity signals over mountainous area. The Stokes formula based on the FFT technique was used to compute the geoid model with the standard remove-computation-restore procedure. The latest global gravity model, EGM08, is used as the long wavelength part of the geoid. The residual terrain model (RTM) contributes to the short wavelength part of the geoid. The new geoid model is evaluated using “observed” geoidal heights at Taiwan’s first-order leveling benchmarks along 7 major routes. Results of validation along central and south routes show that the progressive combination method improves the accuracy of mountainous geoidal heights by 5cm. A hybrid geoid model is determined by merging GPS-derived and gravimetric geoidal heights. The geoid model is now widely used in Taiwan for ellipsoidal height-orthometric height conversion. Sample applications in Lidar DEM generation, flood estimation, and height modernization are discussed.
起訖頁 57-81
刊名 國土測繪與空間資訊  
期數 201301 (1:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用地籍建物測量成果資料建立建物樓層平面圖之研究




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