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國土測繪與空間資訊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Study on establishment of Building floor plans base on result map of building survey
作者 江渾欽
建物第一次測量係指建物所有權人或管理人,檢附建物使用執照、竣工平面圖、建物套繪圖等資料,向地政事務所申請依其區分範圍測繪其建物位置圖及建物平面圖後,領取所核發之建物測量成果圖,作為辦理建物登記之依據。建物測量成果圖內容包括了建物地籍位置圖、主附屬建物平面圖、面積計算式以及建物相關屬性資料等,保存了建物的細部資料,具有發展三維地籍與多目標應用之價值。本研究說明如何利用現保存於地政事務所之建物測量成果圖資料(含影像式與向量式圖檔),予以轉換、編輯、接合製作出具有位相關係且可垂直疊合成完整建物之建物樓層平面數值圖檔,並檢討作業過程中可能遇見之疑義以及作業工時分析,最後依建築使用執照所記載之建物樓層高度,將其塑立出具有包含建物產權範圍之三維模型資料,可作為後續推動三維地籍與多目標應用之基礎資料。 Building survey is the process initiated by property owner or manager who audits the building licences, construction plan, and Cadastral mapping, follows by lodging building location map and building plane request to the Land Offices, which eventually issues the result maps of building survey. The result map of building survey contains building location maps, plane map of main and attached buildings, area of ownership and other related attributes of the property. It captures detail information of the building and is the foundation for the future development of 3D and multipurpose cadastre database. This study describes a method to integrate existing result maps of building survey (in the forms of vector data or scanned images) and transform into floor plans of buildings. Implications of potential ambiguities have been discussed and labour/time resource requirements have been analysed. This research also demonstrates the use of height information contained in the building licenses to enhance the floor plans into 3D cadastre models, which can be applied in future multipurpose cadastre database or cyber city development applications.
Building survey is the process initiated by property owner or manager who audits the building licences, construction plan, and Cadastral mapping, follows by lodging building location map and building plane request to the Land Offices, which eventually issues the result maps of building survey. The result map of building survey contains building location maps, plane map of main and attached buildings, area of ownership and other related attributes of the property. It captures detail information of the building and is the foundation for the future development of 3D and multipurpose cadastre database. This study describes a method to integrate existing result maps of building survey (in the forms of vector data or scanned images) and transform into floor plans of buildings. Implications of potential ambiguities have been discussed and labour/time resource requirements have been analysed. This research also demonstrates the use of height information contained in the building licenses to enhance the floor plans into 3D cadastre models, which can be applied in future multipurpose cadastre database or cyber city development applications.
起訖頁 31-56
刊名 國土測繪與空間資訊  
期數 201301 (1:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用水氣微波輻射儀提升GPS定位精度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 新一代台灣大地水準面模式:防災、監測、高程現代化之應用




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