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作者 劉冠岳王建得黃國良何定遠鄭彩堂
傳統界址測量使用電子測距經緯儀作為測量工具,由於GPS 之快速發展,GPS測量技術已應用於控制測量,圖根測量及戶地測量亦導入即時動態定位技術(Real-Time Kinematic,RTK),RTK 具有操作簡便、施測快速及可達公分級精度等優點,然而RTK 受限於有效通訊距離2 公里之限制。虛擬基準站之網路化即時動態定位(Virtual Base Station RTK,VBS-RTK)技術,為結合衛星定位基準網、虛擬基準站及網路化即時動態定位(Network RTK)技術,是現今世界各先進國家測繪及定位技術之主流。目前國內VBS-RTK 技術已使用多年,例如研究於辦理三等控制點檢測、加密控制測量、地籍圖重測之圖根點測量及土地複丈作業等,研究成果顯示VBS-RTK 可達上開作業之規範精度。本研究嘗試使用VBS-RTK 技術,探討是否可應用於界址測量,於102年度地籍圖重測區實際施測;研究成果發現,VBS-RTK 技術可應用於界址測量。 Traditionally, boundary point coordinates were measured by using theodollite. Since its advent, the GPS was used for control surveying. Although the limitation with its distance within 2 km, Real-Time Kinetic (RTK) GPS was developed and used for traverse surveying and boundarysurveying later on.With the combination of satellite positioning base-points network, virtual base-points, andinternet, the Virtual Base Station RTK (VBS-RTK) has soon been the mainstream for varioussurveying businesses in advanced countries. Domestically, VBS-RTK has been researched for theworks of control point surveying, traverse surveying for cadastral resurvey and land revisions andproved feasible. This study is a trial to use VBS-RTK for boundary point surveying, and experiments at parts ofcadastral resurvey areas in 2013. According to the result, VBS-RTK can really be used for boundarypoint surveying.
Traditionally, boundary point coordinates were measured by using theodollite. Since its advent,the GPS was used for control surveying. Although the limitation with its distance within 2 km,Real-Time Kinetic (RTK) GPS was developed and used for traverse surveying and boundarysurveying later on.With the combination of satellite positioning base-points network, virtual base-points, andinternet, the Virtual Base Station RTK (VBS-RTK) has soon been the mainstream for varioussurveying businesses in advanced countries. Domestically, VBS-RTK has been researched for theworks of control point surveying, traverse surveying for cadastral resurvey and land revisions andproved feasible. This study is a trial to use VBS-RTK for boundary point surveying, and experiments at parts ofcadastral resurvey areas in 2013. According to the result, VBS-RTK can really be used for boundarypoint surveying.
起訖頁 21-38
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201406 (33:2期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 變量圖與面積變量圖
該期刊-下一篇 超越人眼的感測器--空載高光譜技術應用介紹




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