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作者 史天元林建維
在各種主題圖中,所展示之圖形區塊,多力求保持空間圖徵面積比例、形狀、方向之變異為最佳化,「變量圖」為一特例。「變量圖」雖然力求保持圖徵型態之辨識度,但是面積隨所欲表示之主題屬性量大小而改變,在特定適當之應用情況下,「變量圖」具有較其他主題圖表現方式更佳之資訊傳達功能。本文以「變量圖」為主題,說明其基本製圖精神與原理,並以選舉結果之展現為例,展示其應用。除引用美國大選結果之展示以為探討外,並以近年四次台灣地區總統選舉投票結果為展示主題,說明「變量圖」在各種考量下之應用與其限制。 For the presentation of spatial features in various thematic map types, the optimal preservationof the shape, ratio of area, directions are one of the major design principles. “Cartogram” is anexception. Although in the application of “cartogram” , recognition of the spatial features is animportant factor, the size of the features varies with the value of the attribute in the thematic map.When it is properly applied, “cartogram” provides better information dissemination andtransformation efficiency. This paper introduces the basic principle and theory of “cartogram”utilizing illustrations of election results. An example of the presidential election in the United Statesand four presidential elections in Taiwan are utilized to demonstrate the application and limitation of“cartogram”.
For the presentation of spatial features in various thematic map types, the optimal preservationof the shape, ratio of area, directions are one of the major design principles. “Cartogram” is anexception. Although in the application of “cartogram” , recognition of the spatial features is animportant factor, the size of the features varies with the value of the attribute in the thematic map.When it is properly applied, “cartogram” provides better information dissemination andtransformation efficiency. This paper introduces the basic principle and theory of “cartogram”utilizing illustrations of election results. An example of the presidential election in the United Statesand four presidential elections in Taiwan are utilized to demonstrate the application and limitation of“cartogram”.
起訖頁 10-20
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201406 (33:2期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 平面與大地:測量學緒論教學裡的一項探討
該期刊-下一篇 VBS-RTK應用於界址測量之探討




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