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並列篇名 |
A Study on Civil Servants’ Education , Examination , Trainning , and Employment System for Subject of Survey and Cartography |
作者 |
盧鄂生、鄭彩堂 |
中文摘要 |
在公務體系中測量製圖人員為國家各項施政建設重要人力資源之一,全國測量製圖職系員額總計2078 人,分別歸屬於地政、測量、營建工程、都市計畫及公有土地管理等各政府相關部門,其中約有85%員額係服務於中央及地方政府之地政單位,主要從事於「地籍測量」業務,其中又以地方政府之各地政事務所占絕大多數。長期以來,公務人員地方特考均錄取不足額,影響地籍測量施政品質至鉅。除了量不足外,目前地政事務所之測量製圖人員為測量本科系畢業者僅占14%,較非相關科系43%為低,可見在質的方面亦有非常大的落差,各大專院校不但設測量本科系者僅屬少數,所開設課程與職缺所需核心職能之相關性亦屬偏低,地籍測量相關課程亦明顯不足,使得中央地政單位不但需經常招生舉辦地籍測量人員訓練,更需不斷加強在職訓練,勉為因應。本文主要針對測量製圖人員之核心職能、學校教育、公務人員考試類科與科目內容、職前基礎與實務訓練及在職專業訓練等方面進行探討分析,並以測量製圖類科用人需求之「核心職能」為主軸,期能串連「教、考、訓、用」合一網絡,最後並提出建議,以供政府部門解決測量製圖人力問題之參考。
In the public service system, surveyors and cartographers are the crucial manpower resources ofall the national constructions. There are about 2, 078 positions of surveyors and cartographers workingin different branches of governmental units. They can be in the units of land administration, surveying, civil engineering, urban planning, and national land administration. About 85% of the employees workin the land administration units in central and local governments, and mainly engage in cadastralsurvey activities. Most of them are in local government. For quite a long time, in the category of thesurveying and mapping of local public servant special examination, enrollee is often insufficient. Theshortage of the enrollment has greatly affected the quality of cadastral survey businesses. Besides, among the insufficient employees, surveyors and cartographers with the background of surveyingand mapping discipline take up only 14%, far lower than 42% that of those who are in withnon-related discipline background. The quality of the employees is clearly below expectation.Moreover, not only universities and colleges with surveying departments are few, but also thecurriculums they have offered are of less relevance to the core competency required for practical jobpositions. Thus, the central government continually holds cadastral surveyors training classes andon-job trainings often trying to meet the demand.In this paper, the situations for the core competency required for surveying and mappingpersonnel, school education, national examination categories for national civil service andexamination content of each subject, in-service professional training are synthetically analyzed.Suggestions are proposed for the core subjects of school education and the national examinationthrough analyses from the aspect of the core competency as the reference for governmentadministration on the topic of the Education, Examination, Training, Employment of Surveyor andCartographer. |
英文摘要 |
In the public service system, surveyors and cartographers are the crucial manpower resources ofall the national constructions. There are about 2,078 positions of surveyors and cartographers workingin different branches of governmental units. They can be in the units of land administration, surveying,civil engineering, urban planning, and national land administration. About 85% of the employees workin the land administration units in central and local governments, and mainly engage in cadastralsurvey activities. Most of them are in local government. For quite a long time, in the category of thesurveying and mapping of local public servant special examination, enrollee is often insufficient. Theshortage of the enrollment has greatly affected the quality of cadastral survey businesses. Besides, among the insufficient employees, surveyors and cartographers with the background of surveyingand mapping discipline take up only 14%, far lower than 42% that of those who are in withnon-related discipline background. The quality of the employees is clearly below expectation.Moreover, not only universities and colleges with surveying departments are few, but also thecurriculums they have offered are of less relevance to the core competency required for practical jobpositions. Thus, the central government continually holds cadastral surveyors training classes andon-job trainings often trying to meet the demand.In this paper, the situations for the core competency required for surveying and mappingpersonnel, school education, national examination categories for national civil service andexamination content of each subject, in-service professional training are synthetically analyzed.Suggestions are proposed for the core subjects of school education and the national examinationthrough analyses from the aspect of the core competency as the reference for governmentadministration on the topic of the Education, Examination, Training, Employment of Surveyor andCartographer. |
起訖頁 |
33-50 |
刊名 |
地籍測量 |
期數 |
201012 (29:4期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
土地複丈面積不符處理之探討 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
推動圖解地籍圖數化整合計畫與效益 |