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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Investigation of the Incorrect Areas from the Land Revision |
作者 |
李忠憲、何維信 |
中文摘要 |
At the early period after Taiwan Restoration, due to the limited human resource and materialresource, Taiwan government implemented cadastral management based on the cadastral mapsproduced during Japanese colonization rather than carry out new cadastral surveys. The issue ofexisted incorrect land area has been magnified today, and the extended doubts constantly emerged.Regulation, which should be made by real need, becomes blurred and hard to follow as temporaland spatial changes and property rights rises.This paper discusses the doubts of land revision with digitalized map and the registrationcorrections. First, clarify the causes of incorrect land area through the cadastral maps revolution, and then construct process procedures based on the identification of land error type anddevelopment of compensation system. Finally, create standard process procedures through real case analysis. Moreover, to reduce public doubts and distrust as well as to avoid go to law easily, this article deals with the past history of corrections of cadastral survey on Article 232 Directionsfor Implementation of Cadastral Survey, and conclude research results and propose suggestions foramendments to relative articles.The results show that the existed incorrect land area is hardly to correct before cadastralresurveys because of the unclear regulations of corrections. However, land error type can beidentified by applying process procedures. It is suggested to put compensation on priorityconsideration to decrease possible disputes. In addition, except for strengthen current regulation bylaw modification; the creation of process procedure could at least achieve legitimacy. The similarcases can follow it step by step and avoid extended problems. |
英文摘要 |
At the early period after Taiwan Restoration, due to the limited human resource and materialresource, Taiwan government implemented cadastral management based on the cadastral mapsproduced during Japanese colonization rather than carry out new cadastral surveys. The issue ofexisted incorrect land area has been magnified today, and the extended doubts constantly emerged.Regulation, which should be made by real need, becomes blurred and hard to follow as temporaland spatial changes and property rights rises.This paper discusses the doubts of land revision with digitalized map and the registrationcorrections. First, clarify the causes of incorrect land area through the cadastral maps revolution,and then construct process procedures based on the identification of land error type anddevelopment of compensation system. Finally, create standard process procedures through real case analysis. Moreover, to reduce public doubts and distrust as well as to avoid go to law easily,this article deals with the past history of corrections of cadastral survey on Article 232 Directionsfor Implementation of Cadastral Survey, and conclude research results and propose suggestions foramendments to relative articles.The results show that the existed incorrect land area is hardly to correct before cadastralresurveys because of the unclear regulations of corrections. However, land error type can beidentified by applying process procedures. It is suggested to put compensation on priorityconsideration to decrease possible disputes. In addition, except for strengthen current regulation bylaw modification; the creation of process procedure could at least achieve legitimacy. The similarcases can follow it step by step and avoid extended problems. |
起訖頁 |
18-32 |
刊名 |
地籍測量 |
期數 |
201012 (29:4期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
1/1000數值地形圖圖檔資料內部圖元檢核之研究--以苗栗縣公館與銅鑼鄉圖幅為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
公務人員測量製圖類科教考訓用合一之探討 |