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篇名 |
應用Google Earth建置玉山國家公園互動式虛擬導覽系統探討
並列篇名 |
The Implementation of an Interactive Virtual Touring System for Yushan National Park with Google Earth |
作者 |
史天元、鄭雅文 (Yawen Cheng)、許文龍 |
中文摘要 |
隨著科技的日新月異,地圖由原本傳統的手繪地圖,轉變為電子平面地圖,而如今由衛星影像及航空影像製成的3D立體地圖也紛紛問世,其中目前又以Google Earth最為著名。Google Earth結合衛星影像與地形,以3D模式提供視覺化之全球搜尋,突破以往2D平面思維。Google Earth同時提供KML語言,使不同使用者可結合客製化資料建立客製化之系統。本研究探討以KML進行玉山國家公園地區互動式虛擬導覽系統之方法,及其目前之使用限制與條件。本文除簡介Google Earth系統及其功能,並就以目前所蒐集之圖資,建置試驗性系統之過程進行報告。綜合本研究成果及其使用經驗,現有Google Earth於本研究試驗區影像解析度過低,不能提供良好區域性導覽功能;同時使用者端影像處理系統效率偏低、Google Earth內建圖資地理定位有顯著偏差。
Google Earth has been under spot light after its release. It marked the era of internet map service with large volume of data and high quality of images transmitted near real time. Google Earth is also praised for the three dimensional viewing capability. Besides the original information provided by the system, the user is capable to customize the system with his/her own images and other spatial information through KML. This study uses KML to establish a customized Google Earth for Yushan National Park. Through this study, it is found that the resolution of Google Earth image in this area does not meet the expectation. When the local image is applied, the loading and display capability of Google Earth is too primitive to practically to be used. Besides, there are significant geo-referencing errors in the current Google Earth images. |
英文摘要 |
Google Earth has been under spot light after its release. It marked the era of internet map service with large volume of data and high quality of images transmitted near real time. Google Earth is also praised for the three dimensional viewing capability. Besides the original information provided by the system, the user is capable to customize the system with his/her own images and other spatial information through KML. This study uses KML to establish a customized Google Earth for Yushan National Park. Through this study, it is found that the resolution of Google Earth image in this area does not meet the expectation. When the local image is applied, the loading and display capability of Google Earth is too primitive to practically to be used. Besides, there are significant geo-referencing errors in the current Google Earth images. |
起訖頁 |
20-36 |
刊名 |
地籍測量 |
期數 |
200703 (26:1期) |
出版單位 |
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開放式地理資訊系統環境中之地籍圖形資料應用綱要設計與應用 |
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