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Community Residents' Perceptions towards Tourism Impacts of Forestry Trail
作者 許秉翔林鴻忠李久先
本文的研究目的在於探討林務局羅東處社區型自然步道在引入遊客的森林遊樂行為之後,從當地社區居民的觀點,討論遊客對社區的觀光衝擊。研究方法係採用個人訪談的方式,訪談對象包括村里的耆老、村里與社區組織幹部、參與社區產業的人員、一般村民等不同類別。歸納所得的結論包括:一、社區型步道遊憩對農村經濟轉型有催化劑的正面效果二、步道遊憩增加社區的知名度與居民的榮譽感,也增加了社區民眾的休閒機會。三、遊客帶來的垃圾量大幅增加、車輛帶來塞車、遊覽車停車位不足、社區小孩交通安全等問題,但居民認知的環境負面影響並不嚴重。四、遊客對步道造成的環境衝擊以土壤沖蝕比較明顯,水質因為遊客遊憩行為造成污染,社區居民對偶有遊客取走植物、樹頭的不滿等等。五、產業利益的競爭與分配,導致部分社區內部的衝突加劇。 The purpose of this paper is to identidy the tourism impacts of trail recreation, from the perceptions and attitudes of community residents, of Luodong Forest District. We use personal interview to conclude the residents' perceptions. Eighteen person in four villages were invited to be interviewed.Five conclusions are conducted as below: First, trail recreation could be the catalyst to help to restructure the economy of the rural community. Second, Community becomes famous because of the trail construction. Residents are proud of the trail and also benefit from the new leisure facility. Third, litter, car conjession, insufficient parking lots, kid's safety are concerned by community residents as the negative environmental impacts. However, their damages are not serious in the residents' perceptions. Fourth, residents regard soil erosion, water quality of stream, plants and tree roots are stolen by tourists as the major negative impacts of the trail environment. Fifth, the distribution of benefits caused by trail recreation could deepen the conflict among stakeholders in community.
The purpose of this paper is to identidy the tourism impacts of trail recreation, from the perceptions and attitudes of community residents, of Luodong Forest District. We use personal interview to conclude the residents' perceptions. Eighteen person in four villages were invited to be interviewed.Five conclusions are conducted as below: First, trail recreation could be the catalyst to help to restructure the economy of the rural community. Second, Community becomes famous because of the trail construction. Residents are proud of the trail and also benefit from the new leisure facility. Third, litter, car conjession, insufficient parking lots, kid's safety are concerned by community residents as the negative environmental impacts. However, their damages are not serious in the residents' perceptions. Fourth, residents regard soil erosion, water quality of stream, plants and tree roots are stolen by tourists as the major negative impacts of the trail environment. Fifth, the distribution of benefits caused by trail recreation could deepen the conflict among stakeholders in community.
起訖頁 81-96
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201012 (32:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 東亞地區神山、富士山及玉山登山遊憩服務管理之比較




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