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Comparison of Hiking and Recreational Services Management Systems for Mts. Kinabalu, Fuji and Yushan in East Asia
作者 林文和郭蘭生
馬來西亞神山、日本富士山及台灣的玉山,同位處於環西太平洋之東亞地區,且均在國家公園範圍內,其環境生態資源豐富,每年均吸引無數的遊客從事登山遊憩活動。由於此三座高山地理位置相近,且登山環境亦大致相同,因此其登山遊憩服務管理各項措施可做為互相參考學習。本研究結果,台灣的玉山與日本富士山及馬來西亞神山,因國情體制不同及各具環境生態資源特性,致使登山經營管理制度不一,相關登山經營管理及服務措施雖無法全然比照辦理,但如山莊設施、膳食服務、廁所提供、行動電話之普及等仍可作為我們來借鏡,尤其日本富士山之醫療所由專業醫師駐診、富士山登山文化之提倡及馬來西亞神山須由當地嚮導帶隊、山莊之委外經營管理模式等更值得我們觀摩學習。 Malaysia's Mt. Kinabalu, Japan's Mt. Fuji and Taiwan's Yushan are all located in East Asia. They are also all located within national parks and boast abundant ecological resources, attracting large numbers of visitors who hike or participate in other recreational activities each year. As these three mountains are located in close proximity to one another and have similar hiking environments, a comparison of their hiking and recreational services management systems is of value.The results of this study show that due to the variations in national conditions and systems, as well as to the differences in environmental and ecological resources, there are variations in hiking and recreational management systems among Malaysia's Mt. Kinabalu, Japan's Mt. Fuji and Taiwan's Yushan. Although it is not possible or prudent to completely emulate hiking operation management systems and service policies, lodge facilities, food services, toilet and shower facilities and cell phone system accessibility, etc., there are some of the areas in which we can make valuable observations. For example, on Mt. Fuji, the medical clinic is staffed by professional physicians and there is a strong advocacy for maintenance of the hiking culture. On Mt. Kinabalu, local guides lead groups and operation and management of lodges is outsourced. These are some of the areas and models that are worth studying to determine the possibility for application.
Malaysia's Mt. Kinabalu, Japan's Mt. Fuji and Taiwan's Yushan are all located in East Asia. They are also all located within national parks and boast abundant ecological resources, attracting large numbers of visitors who hike or participate in other recreational activities each year. As these three mountains are located in close proximity to one another and have similar hiking environments, a comparison of their hiking and recreational services management systems is of value.The results of this study show that due to the variations in national conditions and systems, as well as to the differences in environmental and ecological resources, there are variations in hiking and recreational management systems among Malaysia's Mt. Kinabalu, Japan's Mt. Fuji and Taiwan's Yushan. Although it is not possible or prudent to completely emulate hiking operation management systems and service policies, lodge facilities, food services, toilet and shower facilities and cell phone system accessibility, etc., there are some of the areas in which we can make valuable observations. For example, on Mt. Fuji, the medical clinic is staffed by professional physicians and there is a strong advocacy for maintenance of the hiking culture. On Mt. Kinabalu, local guides lead groups and operation and management of lodges is outsourced. These are some of the areas and models that are worth studying to determine the possibility for application.
起訖頁 71-80
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201012 (32:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 以酚液化相思樹為基質Novolak型酚甲醛樹脂含浸木粉製造成型板性質之研究
該期刊-下一篇 社區居民對社區型自然步道之觀光衝擊的認知




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