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Study on the Vegetation of Touliu Submontane Area
作者 楊迪嵐曾喜育蘇冠宇朱恩良賴國祥 (Kwo-Shang Lai)曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
斗六丘陵位於雲林縣、南投縣交界處,研究區總面積約139km^2,海拔範圍100-1, 305m之間,主要為低海拔之丘陵地區,屬於熱帶濕潤氣候。本報告針對斗六丘陵植群組成及其環境因子,研究分析各主要優勢樹種之族群結構,以探討植群之演替情形。總計調查74個樣區,於研究區範圍內維管束植物種類共記錄122科358屬525種,包括55種臺灣特有種。經矩陣群團分析結果,共分出龍眼型、香楠型、千年桐型、相思樹型、豬母乳型、麻竹型、血桐-構樹型、山黃麻型、檳榔型、孟宗竹型、桂竹型等11個植群型,並依優勢種命名,其中千年桐型、相思樹型為人工林,龍眼型、麻竹型、檳榔型具不同程度之廢耕情形。族群結構分析方面,香楠型、豬母乳型之優勢樹種均呈現反J型分布,表示具有自行更新能力,如不再受干擾,未來可能發展成為榕楠植群。依降趨對應分析之結果,植群分布序列與環境因子之相關性,以地形位置與全天光空域呈現顯著相關,坡度、坡向、水分指數等則無相關性。 Touliu submontane area is located between Yunlin County and Nantou County, and the total area is ca. 139 km^2. The altitudes of the area range from 100 to 1, 305 m above sea level. These low-altitude hills are with tropical humid climate. In order to investigate the composition and environmental factors of vegetation in this Area, 74 plots were set up. Moreover, we analyzed the population structures of dominant tree species and hypothesize the possible succession sequence. Totally 122 families, 358 genera, 525 taxa were recorded, including 55 endemic species. Based on Matrix Cluster Analysis (MCA), the plots were classified into 11 types: 1. Dimocarpus longan type; 2. Machilus zuihoensis type; 3. Aleurites montana type; 4. Acacia confusa type; 5. Ficus benguetensis type; 6. Dendrocalamus latiflorus type; 7. Macaranga tanarius-Broussonetia papyri/era type; 8. Trema orientalis type; 9. Areca catechu type; 10. Phyllostachys pubescens type; 11. Phyllostachys makinoi type. Population structure analysis revealed that the most dominant species in Machilus zuihoensis type and Ficus benguetensis type were with inversely J-shaped pattern, which implies that the forests have the ability to self-regenerated. If there was no disturbances, the forest would possibly succeed toward the Ficus-Machilus vegetation. Based on detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), in terms of the environmental factors, the relationships between distribution of vegetation types with toporgraphie position and whole light sky space (WLS) were significant.
Touliu submontane area is located between Yunlin County and Nantou County, and the total area is ca. 139 km^2. The altitudes of the area range from 100 to 1, 305 m above sea level. These low-altitude hills are with tropical humid climate. In order to investigate the composition and environmental factors of vegetation in this Area, 74 plots were set up. Moreover, we analyzed the population structures of dominant tree species and hypothesize the possible succession sequence. Totally 122 families, 358 genera, 525 taxa were recorded, including 55 endemic species. Based on Matrix Cluster Analysis (MCA), the plots were classified into 11 types: 1. Dimocarpus longan type; 2. Machilus zuihoensis type; 3. Aleurites montana type; 4. Acacia confusa type; 5. Ficus benguetensis type; 6. Dendrocalamus latiflorus type; 7. Macaranga tanarius-Broussonetia papyri/era type; 8. Trema orientalis type; 9. Areca catechu type; 10. Phyllostachys pubescens type; 11. Phyllostachys makinoi type. Population structure analysis revealed that the most dominant species in Machilus zuihoensis type and Ficus benguetensis type were with inversely J-shaped pattern, which implies that the forests have the ability to self-regenerated. If there was no disturbances, the forest would possibly succeed toward the Ficus-Machilus vegetation. Based on detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), in terms of the environmental factors, the relationships between distribution of vegetation types with toporgraphie position and whole light sky space (WLS) were significant.
起訖頁 17-33
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200909 (31:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 金氏榕之榕果形態構造
該期刊-下一篇 Spartina alterniflora Loisel. (Poaceae), a Newly Naturalized and Invasive Plant in Kinmen




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