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Morphology of Syconium of Ficus ampelas Bunn. F
作者 張雯純呂福原 (Fu-Yuan Lu)何坤益曾喜育
本研究以解剖顯微鏡及掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察臺灣低海拔常見雌雄異株榕屬植物金氏榕的榕果形態構造。研究結果得知,金氏榕雌、雄榕果內部構造與功能具明顯差異,雌榕果內有可被授粉的長花柱雌花,雄榕果內有可被榕果小蜂產卵的短花柱雌花及產生花粉的假兩性花;假兩性花具有1發育雄蕊產生花粉,以及1個發育程度不一的短花柱雌蕊。長、短花柱雌花在花柱及柱頭形態構造之特化,分別有助於其種專一性的金氏榕授粉蜂授粉及產卵,維持並強化彼此間特殊的共生關係。本研究之結果可供作榕屬植物分類及授粉生態之基礎資料。 An overview using stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy is given of sycone morphology of Ficus ampelas, one of the common dioecious fig species in Taiwan. The female syconia are composed of long-style female florets. In contrast, the male syconia are composed of male florets and short-style female florets. Male florets possess a stamen and a regressive variedly short-style ovary as pseudobisexual florets. The specific structures of style and stigma between the long-style and short-style female florets are evidently helpful in pollination and oviposition, respectively, by the obligate pollinator, Kradibia sumatrana, thus maintaining and strengthening the symbiotic relationship between each species. Based on these results, sycone morphology of F. ampelas would be useful information to taxonomy and pollination of Ficus.
An overview using stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy is given of sycone morphology of Ficus ampelas, one of the common dioecious fig species in Taiwan. The female syconia are composed of long-style female florets. In contrast, the male syconia are composed of male florets and short-style female florets. Male florets possess a stamen and a regressive variedly short-style ovary as pseudobisexual florets. The specific structures of style and stigma between the long-style and short-style female florets are evidently helpful in pollination and oviposition, respectively, by the obligate pollinator, Kradibia sumatrana, thus maintaining and strengthening the symbiotic relationship between each species. Based on these results, sycone morphology of F. ampelas would be useful information to taxonomy and pollination of Ficus.
起訖頁 1-16
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200909 (31:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 斗六丘陵植群生態之研究




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