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Responses of Leaseholders on the Leased National Forests Eviction Program: A Case Study of Leased National Forests in Chaiyi and Pingtung Forest District
作者 羅凱安張雅玲 (Ya-Ling Chang)
台灣曾於1951-1975年間陸續將部分國有林放租給私人或農民使用,合計有82, 803ha,惟此一政策,數十年來因承租人的造林意願低落而有危害水土保持之疑慮,遂有要求林務局應收回國有租地造林地之方案。本研究之目的旨在探討承租人對林務局2004所推行之國有租地造林收回計畫之意願與其影響因素。應用權利所有人決策理論建構承租人對國有租地造林收回計畫之二元logit回歸模型,研究對象選擇嘉義與屏東兩林區管理處所轄之租地造林承租人,利用人員訪談問卷調查蒐集所需資料,計得183份有效樣本。結果僅有39.9%承租人願將國有租地造林收回,多數承租人不願國有租地造林收回之理由為「補償金額不明確」、「承租人可能喪失農保權利」、「租地放領之期待權落空」及「認為租地收回後,交由林務局管理不見得更好」等。本研究logit回歸模型實證結果顯示,「承租人性別與年齡」、「家庭中主要經濟來源」、「租地造林由民間經營較好之認知」及「租地自然條件」等五項,為影響承租人對國有租地造林收回意願之顯著因素。故建議林務局在辦理國有租地造林收回時,除補償金額因素外,可事先掌握承租人與租地之相關資訊及充分溝通,以助於增進政策執行之成效。 Part of national forestland totaling 82,803 ha, had been leased to private sectors during1951 to 1975 in several stages (Leased National Forests, LNFs). However, this policy has beendebatable due to leaseholders' low intention of reforestation. As consequence, this may impact soiland water conservation on the slope land. Therefore, it was suggested in the past decade that Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB) should take back LNFs. The purpose of this study was to understand theleaseholders' responses to the Eviction Program in 2004 and what were the determinants of leaseholder'sdecision to the Program. The landowner's decision-making theory was applied to construct dichotomylogit model and demonstratedthe sample of 183 leaseholders of LNFs in Chaiyi and Pingtung Districtsby using personal questionnaire interview technique. The results showed that only 39.9% of theleaseholders were willing to accept the Eviction Program while the others rejected it. The main reasonsfor the leaseholders to reject the Eviction Program were: 1) current compensation regime of theEviction Program was unclear, 2) the leaseholders' worry that this they no longer meet the FarmerInsurance requirement as soon as they forgo the tenure of LNFs, 3) The LNFs' tenure endurancebecomes private property right in the future would be hopeless, and 4) the leaseholders not believethat TBF could do a better job than them in managing LNFs. Although the compensation figure is acrucial factor to the Eviction Program, there are some other significant factors in logit model: genderand age of the leaseholders, economic source of household, conditions of LNFs, and confidence levelof the leaseholder about TFB's takeover of LNFs. As this research indicated that TFB could raise theeffectiveness of the Eviction Program through better understanding of leaseholders' socioeconomiccharacteristics and conditions of LNFs, and effective communication of the Eviction Program to theleaseholders.
Part of national forestland totaling 82,803 ha, had been leased to private sectors during1951 to 1975 in several stages (Leased National Forests, LNFs). However, this policy has beendebatable due to leaseholders' low intention of reforestation. As consequence, this may impact soiland water conservation on the slope land. Therefore, it was suggested in the past decade that Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB) should take back LNFs. The purpose of this study was to understand theleaseholders' responses to the Eviction Program in 2004 and what were the determinants of leaseholder'sdecision to the Program. The landowner's decision-making theory was applied to construct dichotomylogit model and demonstratedthe sample of 183 leaseholders of LNFs in Chaiyi and Pingtung Districtsby using personal questionnaire interview technique. The results showed that only 39.9% of theleaseholders were willing to accept the Eviction Program while the others rejected it. The main reasonsfor the leaseholders to reject the Eviction Program were: 1) current compensation regime of theEviction Program was unclear, 2) the leaseholders' worry that this they no longer meet the FarmerInsurance requirement as soon as they forgo the tenure of LNFs, 3) The LNFs' tenure endurancebecomes private property right in the future would be hopeless, and 4) the leaseholders not believethat TBF could do a better job than them in managing LNFs. Although the compensation figure is acrucial factor to the Eviction Program, there are some other significant factors in logit model: genderand age of the leaseholders, economic source of household, conditions of LNFs, and confidence levelof the leaseholder about TFB's takeover of LNFs. As this research indicated that TFB could raise theeffectiveness of the Eviction Program through better understanding of leaseholders' socioeconomiccharacteristics and conditions of LNFs, and effective communication of the Eviction Program to theleaseholders.
起訖頁 43-54
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200706 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 南仁山次生林樹冠層之空間異質性
該期刊-下一篇 酚液化孟宗竹製備Resol型醇溶性酚樹脂及其性質




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