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The Role and Position of Women in Taiwan Forestry Bureau
作者 童秋霞羅紹麟
林業工作一向是以男性為主,尤其是擔任主管之人員以男性居多,近年來女性人員不斷增加,同時也開始擔任重要地位,然而仍有許多人認為女性人員不適合林業工作,這樣的看法究竟只是傳統刻板印象所造成,亦或是女性在林業工作上之限制實為值得探討的問題。因此,本研究藉由探討女性在林業之所扮演之角色與地位,期能釐清問題之徵結。本研究透過文獻回顧與問卷調查方法蒐集資料,分析方法包括描述性統計分析、差異性檢定與集群分析等,本研究有下列幾項結果:一、大部份受訪者認為女性在林業上之工作表現與男性並無差異,從兩性對於女性工作上可能產生之問題、女性擔任林業主管之限制與優缺點以及升遷影響因素之看法可知,兩者之認知並不相同,男性之看法仍受傳統刻板印象之影響,而女性較無影響。二、由男女人員之升遷歷程可看出,女性在林務局之升遷速率較男性為高,至於升遷阻礙部份,男女受訪者之升遷阻礙均在五職等七職等,男性之升遷阻礙較女性為高,可見,林務局內玻璃天花板之效應並不大。三、由工作分析可歸納出六類工作,其中只有第四類工作受訪者認為並不適合女性,其餘五類工作均為適合者,可見,女性在林業工作之不適任狀況並不嚴重。 Men, particularly in its professional and leadership ranks, have dominated the ForestryBureau. It has changed that women performed many critical administrative and management functions bythe rapid growth in the employment of women and the transformation of management mission thoughsome foresters think it couldn’t be done well by women. It was deserved to explore whether the viewingwas lead by sex stereotype traditionally or the restrictions women encounter in forestry. It was found outthe key solution by exploring the role and positions of female foresters.It was studied by literature review and questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics, differentialstatistics and cluster analysis. The findings were as below: on the problems female would encounter, the restrictions and merit and defect of female managers and theinfluential factor to promotion because of sex stereotype. 2.The promotion rate of female was higher thanmale; however, obstructs of male was higher than male. The effect of glass ceiling was not obvious. 3.Itwas concluded six kinds of work by task analysis and just one kind was not fitted for women.
Men, particularly in its professional and leadership ranks, have dominated the ForestryBureau. It has changed that women performed many critical administrative and management functions bythe rapid growth in the employment of women and the transformation of management mission thoughsome foresters think it couldn’t be done well by women. It was deserved to explore whether the viewingwas lead by sex stereotype traditionally or the restrictions women encounter in forestry. It was found outthe key solution by exploring the role and positions of female foresters.It was studied by literature review and questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics, differentialstatistics and cluster analysis. The findings were as below: on the problems female would encounter, the restrictions and merit and defect of female managers and theinfluential factor to promotion because of sex stereotype. 2.The promotion rate of female was higher thanmale; however, obstructs of male was higher than male. The effect of glass ceiling was not obvious. 3.Itwas concluded six kinds of work by task analysis and just one kind was not fitted for women.
起訖頁 35-50
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200606 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 國有森林遊樂區市場區隔與市場定位的研究
該期刊-下一篇 Evaluation of Fungi Resistance of Moso Bamboo Materials Using Bamboo Vinegar with Steaming Treatment




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