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Classification of Stream Landscape and Establishment of Biological Indicators in Taiwan - Examples of Chungkan River, Kehyea River and Nankann River
作者 馮豐隆曾晴賢甘宸宜
台灣西部河川因人為干擾過度,生態環境遭受莫大衝擊。在溪流選擇設立具代表性之永久樣站(監測站),進行調查雖然可定期監測溪流水質之變化,卻僅限於單一點,無法擴及線(河段)與面(河系)之層級;且水質監測往往側重於物化因子之分析,並沒有同時考慮生態因子。物化因子的分析雖能客觀地呈現當時溪流之狀況,而溪流欲永續經營管理,則不能不考量生物生態的永續,因此,有賴生物性指標之建立。唯有劃分溪流型態單位,於各型態單位選取監測、調查點,更而建立各類型溪流生物性及物化指標,才能完整地描述、監測溪流生態系,並達到永續經營之目標。本研究之目的在於利用南崁溪、客雅溪與中港溪2002年9月至2003年9月之水質調查資料--水溫、溶氧量、導電度、生化需氧置、化學需氧量、氨氮、磷、氯鹽、懸浮固體、總有機碳、重金屬、pH、大腸桿菌、有機氯及濁度等共15項,及生物調查資料--藻類、底棲生物、蝦蟹穎、魚類及鳥類等,結合地景因子,彙整既有之河川分類法,區劃出溪流分類單元;接著,再以溪流單元為基礎,整合水質物化指標,並套用於南崁溪、客雅溪和中港溪三條溪流,可得到各溪流之污染嚴重度。將污染嚴重度對應到溪流之生物環境組成,可進一步歸納出水質變化(或污染)與生物種類、和族群數量關聯之結論,期望能建立一適用於台灣溪流之溪流型態分類模式及河川生物指標。 There are great impacts on the streams in western Taiwan and these impacts are dued to excessive anthropogenic disturbances. Many permanent monitoring stations were set for detecting the changes of water quality, but the scale was limited to points and could not scale up to line (stream section) and area (drainage section). We could not develop reasonable stream management without considering biological and ecological sustainabilities. Ifs necessary for us to establish biological indicators. The purpose of this research is to classify stream landscape and establish biological indicators for detecting water pollution in streams. In the paper, we use water quality data and biological data of Chungkan River, Kehyea River and Nankann River during Sep. 2002 to Sep. 2003. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, suspended solids, total organic carbon, heavy metals, pH, coliform, organic chlorine and turbidity were included in water quality data. Biological data were inclusive of algaes, benthos, crabs, shrimps, fish and birds of three streams. Integrating the landscape factors with Schumm stream classification method, we could classify a stream into several longitudinal zones. On the basis of classifying zones, chemio-physical water quality indicators - RPI and biological indicators could be applied, and then the seriousness of polluted streams showed. Finally, we get a further conclusion about correlations between pollution and species community. We suggest that the classification system of stream and biological indicator could be used in the streams of Taiwan.
There are great impacts on the streams in western Taiwan and these impacts are dued to excessive anthropogenic disturbances. Many permanent monitoring stations were set for detecting the changes of water quality, but the scale was limited to points and could not scale up to line (stream section) and area (drainage section). We could not develop reasonable stream management without considering biological and ecological sustainabilities. Ifs necessary for us to establish biological indicators. The purpose of this research is to classify stream landscape and establish biological indicators for detecting water pollution in streams. In the paper, we use water quality data and biological data of Chungkan River, Kehyea River and Nankann River during Sep. 2002 to Sep. 2003. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, suspended solids, total organic carbon, heavy metals, pH, coliform, organic chlorine and turbidity were included in water quality data. Biological data were inclusive of algaes, benthos, crabs, shrimps, fish and birds of three streams. Integrating the landscape factors with Schumm stream classification method, we could classify a stream into several longitudinal zones. On the basis of classifying zones, chemio-physical water quality indicators - RPI and biological indicators could be applied, and then the seriousness of polluted streams showed. Finally, we get a further conclusion about correlations between pollution and species community. We suggest that the classification system of stream and biological indicator could be used in the streams of Taiwan.
起訖頁 25-36
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200509 (27:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 林務局組織文化之研究──以台東、東勢林區管理處為例
該期刊-下一篇 年輪學應用於森林與環境的關係




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