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Organizational Culture in Taiwan Forestry Bureau - A Case Study of Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices
作者 周士鈞羅紹麟
本研究旨在探討林務局國民文化工作價值觀與組織文化間之關係,除剖析不同背景變項、不同服務單位在組織文化上之差異性外,並對不同背景變項在國民文化工作價值觀上的認知差異進行分析。研究方法主要採用問卷調查林務局本局、台東、東勢林區管理處即所轄之技術人員和士級人員,總共發出566份問卷,有效問卷251份,回收率為44.3%。調查結果經卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析、多元回歸分析等統計,進行資料分析與檢定假設。主要獲得以下結果:(1)不同背景變項對國民文化工作價值觀與組織文化皆有顯著的差異存在;(2)林務局本局受訪者在師徒制度導向上有共同的認知;(3)台東與東勢林區管理處僅在民眾導向上的認知程度較高,並未因不同地區特性和工作任務不同而有其特殊的組織文化;(4)工作站受訪者在師徒導向和職責分配導向上有共同的認知;(5)由於林務局國民文化工作價值觀對組織文化有預測能力,其中又以男性主義和長期導向分別對組織文化各導向的解釋能力最高。 The research intends to explore the diversification of organizational culture on the basis of personnel background and different units in Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB). It aims to analyze the diversification of national culture on the basis of personnel in TFB, and furthermore, to discuss the relationship between organizational culture and national culture. The method of questionnaire was adopted. There were 251 usable responses (44.3%) rated as acceptable samples from the 566 target members in the Forestry Bureau, Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices and the ranger stations under Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices control. Statistical analysis of test including Chi-Square, T test, ANOVA and Multiple Regression were applied to data analysis and research hypothesis testing. The main findings of this research are as followed: 1. The variation of personnel background cause significant different in organizational culture and national culture. 2. The master-oriented in the Forestry Bureau have common cognition. 3. Organizational culture in Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices shows diversification only in public-oriented. Therefore, the culture oriented cognition degree doesn't have the different regionalism and job task. 4. The master-oriented and job-oriented in the ranger stations has common cognition. 5. National culture of the TFB has predictability to its organizational culture. In public, National culture of masculinity-oriented and long-term orientation has the most predictability to organizational culture.
The research intends to explore the diversification of organizational culture on the basis of personnel background and different units in Taiwan Forestry Bureau (TFB). It aims to analyze the diversification of national culture on the basis of personnel in TFB, and furthermore, to discuss the relationship between organizational culture and national culture. The method of questionnaire was adopted. There were 251 usable responses (44.3%) rated as acceptable samples from the 566 target members in the Forestry Bureau, Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices and the ranger stations under Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices control. Statistical analysis of test including Chi-Square, T test, ANOVA and Multiple Regression were applied to data analysis and research hypothesis testing. The main findings of this research are as followed: 1. The variation of personnel background cause significant different in organizational culture and national culture. 2. The master-oriented in the Forestry Bureau have common cognition. 3. Organizational culture in Taitung and Dongshih Forest District Offices shows diversification only in public-oriented. Therefore, the culture oriented cognition degree doesn't have the different regionalism and job task. 4. The master-oriented and job-oriented in the ranger stations has common cognition. 5. National culture of the TFB has predictability to its organizational culture. In public, National culture of masculinity-oriented and long-term orientation has the most predictability to organizational culture.
起訖頁 11-24
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200509 (27:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 造林對921地震崩塌地土壤性質與土壤水之影響
該期刊-下一篇 台灣溪流地景分類與生物指標之建置──以南崁溪、客雅溪、中港溪為例




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