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Effect of Northeast Monsoon on the Tree External Morphological Characters in Nanjenshan Forest Ecosystem
作者 陳朝圳黃靜宜呂明倫
本研究以南仁山自然生態保護區為研究區域,以逢機方式分別設置向風坡12個、背風坡5個及溪谷9個10m × 10m樣區,調查林木之葉片、樹冠、板根等3種外部形態,並瞭解在不同地形環境下林木生長之差異性,藉此探討東北季風對南仁山森林生態系林木外部形態造成之影響。經由t檢定結果顯示,向風坡地形因受東北季風侵襲甚鉅,故發展出葉片較小而厚之外部形態,樹冠層生長常發生變形之現象,因生育地較乾燥,林木均較矮小,故板根不發達,背風坡地形之林木調查結果顯示,葉片、樹冠層與板根之生長情形介於向風坡與溪谷地形之間;溪谷地形之森林因具天然屏障遮蔽,其所受風害不明顯,林木之生長情形最為良好,樹冠層因受風影響不大,其整體樹形生長較優良,該地形因土壤溼度高,適合林木生長,板根生長較明顯。 The research was carried out in Nanjenshan nature reserve. We used random sampling to select 26 plots (10m × 10m) that distribute 12, 5 and 9 in windward, leeward and valley forest type respectively. We also examined the external morphological character of leaves, crown and buttress root to understand their variation between different forest type, so as to assess effect of northeast monsoon on the tree external morphological characters in Nanjenshan forest ecosystem. The results from t-test showed the leaves were small and thick, the crown became deformed, the buttress root grew bad in windward, because subjected to northeast monsoon impact greatly. The leeward growth condition is situated between windward and valley. The valley forest suffers the northeast monsoon influence to be smallest. Therefore, the growth promotion was manifested by the substantial increased buttress root development and crown growth vigor.
The research was carried out in Nanjenshan nature reserve. We used random sampling to select 26 plots (10m × 10m) that distribute 12, 5 and 9 in windward, leeward and valley forest type respectively. We also examined the external morphological character of leaves, crown and buttress root to understand their variation between different forest type, so as to assess effect of northeast monsoon on the tree external morphological characters in Nanjenshan forest ecosystem. The results from t-test showed the leaves were small and thick, the crown became deformed, the buttress root grew bad in windward, because subjected to northeast monsoon impact greatly. The leeward growth condition is situated between windward and valley. The valley forest suffers the northeast monsoon influence to be smallest. Therefore, the growth promotion was manifested by the substantial increased buttress root development and crown growth vigor.
起訖頁 1-9
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200506 (27:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 國有林地經營問題之研究




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