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Vegetation Diversity in the Southern Watershed of Peikang River
作者 陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen)陳文民陳恩倫羅南璋劉思謙
北港溪為烏溪之主要支流,發源自中央山脈合歡山西麓,流域面積廣達536.33 Km2,人為干擾少,植群多為天然狀態。本研究針對北港溪南集水區之植群進行調查與分析,共設立42個樣區,調查到的科214屬342種植物,採矩陣群團分析法(MCA)加以分析,可區分出6個林型;使用降趨對應分析法(DCA)與雙向列表比較法(TWINSPAN)進行排序處理,共整合出7個群團如下:I. 玉山箭竹群團;II. 臺灣鐵杉群團;III. 臺灣鵝掌柴群團;IV. 捲斗櫟群團;V. 三斗石櫟群團;VI. 香桂群團,再分:VIA. 紫珠葉泡花-香桂群叢;VIB. 臺灣杜鵑-香桂群叢;VIC. 短尾葉石櫟--香桂群叢;VII .大頭茶群團,再分:VIIA. 木荷-大頭茶群叢;VIIB. 臺灣二葉松-大頭茶群叢;VIIC. 大頭茶群叢;VIID. 子彈石櫟-大頭茶群叢。 The Peikang River, originated from western aspect of Mt. Hohuan, is the most important influent of Wu River. Watershed area of Peikang River is up to 536.33 Km2. There have been less disturbances in this watershed. 42 plots were set up in the southern part of this watershed. 342 species of vascular plants belonging to 214 genera and 99 families were recorded. There are 6 forest types based on matrix cluster analysis (MCA). Based on DCA and TWINSPAN, 7 alliances could be divided as follows: I. Yushania niitakayamensis ALL.; D. Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ALL.; III. Schefflera taiwaniana ALL.; IV. Cyclobalanops is pachyloma ALL.; V. Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula ALL.; VI. Cinnamomum subavenium ALL. includes: VIA. Meliosma callicarpifolia–Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VIB. Rhododendron formosanum -Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VIC. Pasania harlandii–Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VII. Gordonia axillaris ALL. includes: VIIA. Schima superba–Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIIB. Pinus taiwanensis–Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIIC. Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIID. Pasania glabra—Gordonia axillaries ASS.
The Peikang River, originated from western aspect of Mt. Hohuan, is the most important influent of Wu River. Watershed area of Peikang River is up to 536.33 Km2. There have been less disturbances in this watershed. 42 plots were set up in the southern part of this watershed. 342 species of vascular plants belonging to 214 genera and 99 families were recorded. There are 6 forest types based on matrix cluster analysis (MCA). Based on DCA and TWINSPAN, 7 alliances could be divided as follows: I. Yushania niitakayamensis ALL.; D. Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ALL.; III. Schefflera taiwaniana ALL.; IV. Cyclobalanops is pachyloma ALL.; V. Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula ALL.; VI. Cinnamomum subavenium ALL. includes: VIA. Meliosma callicarpifolia–Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VIB. Rhododendron formosanum -Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VIC. Pasania harlandii–Cinnamomum subavenium ASS.; VII. Gordonia axillaris ALL. includes: VIIA. Schima superba–Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIIB. Pinus taiwanensis–Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIIC. Gordonia axillaries ASS.; VIID. Pasania glabra—Gordonia axillaries ASS.
起訖頁 39-50
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200412 (26:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 木工教學融入九年一貫生態教育之研究
該期刊-下一篇 奧萬大天然闊葉林枯落物與養分迴歸量之季節變化




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