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Application of Clustering-Based Segmentation Model on Market Segmentation Study of Alishan Railway's Tourists
作者 林喻東高君邁
本文以集群區隔模式對搭乘阿里山登山火車之遊客進行市場區隔化之研究,訪問 475 位搭乘登山火車的遊客,其內容包括遊客的特性、旅遊行為、搭乘火車的動機及滿意度等項目;再採用以因素分析、集群分析、鑑別分析、卡方分析與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析;遊客依搭乘登山火車的動機區隔為集群一「體驗搭乘樂趣及觀察自然集群」:有 155 人,以 30 歲以下的單身的年輕人居多,喜歡與朋友結伴出遊;集群二:「受外界行銷影響及避免塞車集群」:有 131 人,在 30 歲以下與 31~50 歲的人數相當,婚姻與否也各佔一半,家人與朋友均為很重要的旅遊同伴;與集群三:「體驗歷史復古懷舊集群」:有 189 人,以 31~50 歲的已婚人口居多,同伴以家人為主;集群一年紀較輕,搭乘登山火車的次數較少,對登山火車的特性瞭解不夠,因此對阿里山的印象深刻程度在三個集群中是最低的,且滿意程度也最低,因而影響到其再次搭乘的意願;集群二與集群三在印象深刻程度、滿意度與再次搭乘意願上差距不大。 The main purpose of this paper is to study the market segmentation of tourists whom took the Alishan railway. 475 tourists were be randomly chosen and be asked to fill out questionnaire by interviewers. The contents of questionnaire consist of tourists' attributes, travel behaviors, motives of taking railway and their satisfaction. The data were be analyzed by factor analysis, k-means cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, Chi-square analysis and one-way analysis of variance. The tourists were be segmented into three groups according to their motives of taking railway. The first group was named Enjoy taking the railway and natural observation.The group had 155 persons and most of them below 30 years old, unmarried and fond of traveling with friends. The second group was named 'Influenced by marketing power and aversion of traffic jam'. The group had 131 persons and most of their age below 30 and 31-50, the same percentage of married and unmarried persons, family members and friends are the same important companion. The third group was named 'Cherishing the old past of Alishan railway'. The group had 189 persons and most of their age lies in 31- 50¡Amarried and fond of traveling with family members.
The main purpose of this paper is to study the market segmentation of tourists whom took the Alishan railway. 475 tourists were be randomly chosen and be asked to fill out questionnaire by interviewers. The contents of questionnaire consist of tourists' attributes, travel behaviors, motives of taking railway and their satisfaction. The data were be analyzed by factor analysis, k-means cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, Chi-square analysis and one-way analysis of variance. The tourists were be segmented into three groups according to their motives of taking railway. The first group was named Enjoy taking the railway and natural observation.The group had 155 persons and most of them below 30 years old, unmarried and fond of traveling with friends. The second group was named 'Influenced by marketing power and aversion of traffic jam'. The group had 131 persons and most of their age below 30 and 31-50, the same percentage of married and unmarried persons, family members and friends are the same important companion. The third group was named 'Cherishing the old past of Alishan railway'. The group had 189 persons and most of their age lies in 31- 50¡Amarried and fond of traveling with family members.
起訖頁 11-27
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200412 (26:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 大肚山地區火燒與植被關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 木工教學融入九年一貫生態教育之研究




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