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Branchlet variation of Casuariana spp. in Taiwan.
作者 何坤益蕭如英歐辰雄鄧書麟 (Shu-Lin Deng)
將採集自澳洲所引種之木賊葉木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)、肯氏木麻黃(C. cunninghamiana)及銀木麻黃(C. glauca)等原生種源,應用其確切來源之種類與臺灣海岸15 處之栽培木麻黃比對,藉由小枝之形態性狀,佐以類黃素色層分析,經由數量統計分類方法來探討臺灣栽培木麻黃族群小枝外觀型態之變異。結果顯示小枝之長度、鞘齒葉數目在種類間有顯著之差異,而在小枝之節間長度則差異不顯著;同時發現大多數臺灣木麻黃小枝之形態性狀,與澳洲所引種之木賊葉木麻黃種源相近,惟其中芳苑(T2)及梧棲(T3)二處則與澳洲所引種之銀木麻黃種源較相近。再經由小枝類黃素組成之色層分析結果,進行歸群分析發現在木麻黃種類之間類黃素組成已有明顯分化,可將肯氏木麻黃、銀木麻黃等種類予以分類,而木賊葉木麻黃種源與臺灣海岸栽培之木麻黃,則尚未具明顯分歧,形成一廣泛之群團。 The study aims to investigate variation and relationships of the Australian provenances of Casuarina equisetifolia, C. cunninghamiana , C. glauca , and the Casuarina spp. from coastal areas in Taiwan. We used the exomorphic characters, flavonoid chromatography and the methods of numerical taxonomy to analyze the branchlet variation of Casuarina spp. Populations. The result indicated that the differences of branchlet length and teeth number among species were significant, but the difference on inter-node length was not significant. Most of the populations Casuarina spp. in Taiwan were closely related to the Casuarina equisetifolia from Australia, however, the populations of Fangyuan(T 2) and Wuchi(T 3) were related to Casuarina glauca. The cluster analysis based on flavonoid data revealed that there was significant difference between Casuarina cunninhamiana and Casuarina glauca. However, there was no significant divergent between C. equisetifolia from Australia and populations in Taiwan.
The study aims to investigate variation and relationships of the Australian provenances of Casuarina equisetifolia, C. cunninghamiana , C. glauca , and the Casuarina spp. from coastal areas in Taiwan. We used the exomorphic characters, flavonoid chromatography and the methods of numerical taxonomy to analyze the branchlet variation of Casuarina spp. Populations. The result indicated that the differences of branchlet length and teeth number among species were significant, but the difference on inter-node length was not significant. Most of the populations Casuarina spp. in Taiwan were closely related to the Casuarina equisetifolia from Australia, however, the populations of Fangyuan(T 2) and Wuchi(T 3) were related to Casuarina glauca. The cluster analysis based on flavonoid data revealed that there was significant difference between Casuarina cunninhamiana and Casuarina glauca. However, there was no significant divergent between C. equisetifolia from Australia and populations in Taiwan.
起訖頁 15-26
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200403 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 研磨處理對竹材表面性質及塗膜附著性之影響
該期刊-下一篇 醇酸樹脂製造聚胺酯發泡體之探討




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