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A Study of Bamboo Plantation Thinning Intention on Private Forests - Case Studies of Lu-ku area and Funchi-hu area
作者 林喻東葉文和陳民安
本篇報告以問卷訪問的方式探討南投縣鹿谷鄉及嘉義縣奮起湖地區民有林竹林疏伐作業,瞭解民營林主近十年來對竹林進行疏伐作業的實際情況、民營林主在進行疏伐作業時所考量的因素。結果發現鹿谷地區受88年9月21日大地霞的影響,竹筍產量銳減,近兩年來竹農疏伐竹林的意願低落僅有10%,但是林農認為實施竹林疏伐對「竹筍產量」、「竹林收入」與「竹林更新」具有相當的重要性,因此如何輔導及鼓勵林農恢復疏伐整理林相的意願,使得該地區重現往日優美的孟宗竹林景緻,是政府和林農共同努力的目標。奮起湖地區的林農認為實施疏伐作業對「竹筍產量」與「竹林更新」都具有相當的重要性,因為石竹筍是當地居民認為相當重要的特產,為促使竹筍萌發,林農近兩年來有疏伐整理林相者高達85.6%,而如何積極地促銷石竹筍,是政府與林農未來合作與努力的方向。 The main purposes of this paper is to study bamboo thinning operation on private forests in Lu-ku area of Nantou county and Funchi-hu area in Chia-yi county. The contents of the study consist of private forests owners' actual thinning operation of bamboo plantation during the past decade and the factors which influence thinning operation. The results showed that the production of bamboo shoot in Lu-ku area were influenced by big earth quake in 1999, which also decreased private forests owners' thinning intention dramatically to 10%. But landowners regarded bamboo thinning operation is very important to 'production of bamboo shoot', 'income of bamboo stand' and 'regeneration of bamboo stand'. Therefore, the methods of encouraging landowners' to recover their confidence in bamboo's thinning operation are the important objects of government. As for thinning intention of Funci-lake area, most of the landowners regarded that such operation is very important to 'production of bamboo shoot' and 'regeneration of bamboo stand'. And bamboo shoot of Phyllostachys lithophila is regarded as an important economic product in this area, 85.6% of landowners were engaged in bamboo thinning operation in order to increase the sprout of bamboo shoots. Therefore, the promotion of bamboo shoot products is an important theme for a further study.
The main purposes of this paper is to study bamboo thinning operation on private forests in Lu-ku area of Nantou county and Funchi-hu area in Chia-yi county. The contents of the study consist of private forests owners' actual thinning operation of bamboo plantation during the past decade and the factors which influence thinning operation. The results showed that the production of bamboo shoot in Lu-ku area were influenced by big earth quake in 1999, which also decreased private forests owners' thinning intention dramatically to 10%. But landowners regarded bamboo thinning operation is very important to 'production of bamboo shoot', 'income of bamboo stand' and 'regeneration of bamboo stand'. Therefore, the methods of encouraging landowners' to recover their confidence in bamboo's thinning operation are the important objects of government. As for thinning intention of Funci-lake area, most of the landowners regarded that such operation is very important to 'production of bamboo shoot' and 'regeneration of bamboo stand'. And bamboo shoot of Phyllostachys lithophila is regarded as an important economic product in this area, 85.6% of landowners were engaged in bamboo thinning operation in order to increase the sprout of bamboo shoots. Therefore, the promotion of bamboo shoot products is an important theme for a further study.
起訖頁 107-120
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200309 (25:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 阿里山森林遊樂區之遊憩效益──以條件評估法與旅遊成本法評估為例
該期刊-下一篇 人工林經營政策座談會記要(一)




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