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Recreation Benefit Estimation of in Ali-shan Forest Recreation Area by Contingent Valuation Model and Travel Cost Model
作者 劉癸君林喻東
遊憩效益的評估,通常是推動許多遊憩事業公共投資或環境品質改善計劃所應考慮的問題。而遊憩效益是屬於環境財貨之一種,它並沒有市場價格,無法直接使用傳統的需求理論來衡量品質改變所造成的效益或成本,因此就有效益衡量的理論及非市場財貨評估法(no n-market valuation techniques)的產生。因此本研究將使用經濟效益衡量中的旅遊成本法與條件評估法來衡量享譽國際的阿里山森林遊樂區的經濟效益。本研究經過一年的訪問共收集有效問卷為392份。而對於阿里山森林遊樂區之遊憩效益,本研究結果所推估所得到的個人效益值分別為:新台幣2,694元(使用價值)、新台幣2,101元(存在價值)、新台幣1,264元(遺贈價值)、新台幣1,053元(旅遊成本法);一整年的總遊憩效益為新台幣872,829,594元。 The estimation of recreation benefit was always adopted by public investment in recreation activities or the plans of improving environmental qualities. Recreation benefit belongs to one of environmental goods and always gets non-market price. When total benefit or quality benefit of recreation resources changed, the changes of benefit can not be derived directly by traditional demand theory when environment quality changes. For this reason, benefit measurement theory and non-market valuation techniques were produced. There are many techniques in measuring non-market value, two of them, travel cost model and contingent valuation model were used in this paper to measure economical benefit in Ali-shan forest recreation area. We gather available 392 questionnaires within a year in 2002. Different values of Ali-shan forest recreation area were calculated as follow s: use value is NT$ 2,694, existence value is NT$ 2,101, bequest value is NT$ 1,264, travel cost value is NT$ 1,053 and total benefit is NT$ 872,829,594 in one year.
The estimation of recreation benefit was always adopted by public investment in recreation activities or the plans of improving environmental qualities. Recreation benefit belongs to one of environmental goods and always gets non-market price. When total benefit or quality benefit of recreation resources changed, the changes of benefit can not be derived directly by traditional demand theory when environment quality changes. For this reason, benefit measurement theory and non-market valuation techniques were produced. There are many techniques in measuring non-market value, two of them, travel cost model and contingent valuation model were used in this paper to measure economical benefit in Ali-shan forest recreation area. We gather available 392 questionnaires within a year in 2002. Different values of Ali-shan forest recreation area were calculated as follow s: use value is NT$ 2,694, existence value is NT$ 2,101, bequest value is NT$ 1,264, travel cost value is NT$ 1,053 and total benefit is NT$ 872,829,594 in one year.
起訖頁 87-105
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200309 (25:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 杉木木材之液化處理及其在酚──甲醇膠合劑製造之應用
該期刊-下一篇 民營林主從事竹林疏伐意願之研究--以鹿谷地區及奮起湖地區為例




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